Best Bulking Foods

I guess we’ve all been wondering at some point: “What are the best bulking foods?” when attempting to create massive gains. Some may think that we should eat foods that contain as many calories and fats as possible to gain as much and as fast muscle as possible. However, that’s an incorrect approach. Eating every piece of junk food under the sun will lead to health issues, including excessive fat gain. Instead, you should opt for a healthy bulking diet that can help you pack on muscle mass. That’s why we’re going to share the best bulking foods here.

We totally get why you would love to go for a dirty bulk. It allows you to eat whatever you please, as much as you please. But this approach will be detrimental to your health in the long run, I doubt you want to be full of fat, and if we’re completely honest – junk foods will make you feel sluggish too. This can significantly decrease your endurance, energy, motivation, and overall performance.

So, better go for the best healthy bulking foods. We’re going to share the best bulking foods, including a meal plan that can help you get started.

The Best Bulking Diet Plan

So, then again, although dirty bulking is tempting as you can eat whatever you want, it is not going to do any good for your body. Some may think that dirty bulking is the best bulking plan, but stay assured that’s completely wrong. The potential excess fat gains with detrimental effects on your health are the completely opposite of what you aim for.

This is why you need to create your ultimate bulking meal plan using healthy bulking foods. Whereas there are a lot of different foods for you to try, there are some of the best bulking foods you can include in your meals. These include:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Beans
  • Yogurt
  • Milk
  • Oil
  • Pasta
  • Oats
  • Potatoes
  • Whole grain bread/crackers
  • Avocado
  • Olives
  • Cheese
  • Granola
  • Fruits
  • Various vegetables
  • Various fish types

Keep in mind that this is obviously not the full list of bulking foods. We can include numerous others. These are just some of the popular healthy bulking foods to include in your meal plan to achieve your goal of gaining muscle and strength.

Personalize Your Bulking Foods

When it comes to creating the best bulking diet meal plan, it is important to remember that there’s just no “one size fits all” plan. We are all different, with different bodies, genetic make-up, metabolism, tastes, responses, and so on. Similar to how we can’t have the same steroid cycle plan because we have different responses, the same with the bulking foods meal plan. What works for others, may not work for another.

What you should be aiming for is to strike the right balance when choosing the best bulking foods for your needs to hit your body goals. For example, you must be realistic with the amount of weight that you aim to gain. Especially if you are aiming for a clean, healthy bulk. If you attempt to gain weight too fast (such as in a dirty bulking diet), you will gain fat alongside muscle. And the potential health risks are not worth it. Better aim for a healthy and realistic bulk, gaining muscle in a realistic manner.

Keep in mind that committing to a bulking diet is crucial to see progress, and you aim to do so without potential damage to your organs, health, or metabolism. Taking drastic measures usually does more harm than good. So, better go for healthier options, keep it personal, and stick to your plan.

Understand Your Body

There are a lot of factors to take into consideration, and one of the most important things when it comes to foods and bulking is…metabolism. No doubt you’ve previously heard about metabolism. You know how extremely important metabolism is when it comes to packing on muscle, and the amount of foods you eat. The metabolism converts calories (energy) from food into fuel. The calories are vital to support your body’s natural function. So, while you use them a lot when you work out, your body uses them even when you sleep, watch TV, digest food, pump blood, or breathe.

So, you should first take a look at your metabolism and your daily calorie burn to gain weight safely and understand how your bulking diet works.

Resting Metabolic Rate – RMR

The resting metabolic rate or simply metabolism is the amount of energy that your body requires at rest. As said, the body uses calories to perform everyday, vital functions such as circulation, breathing, cell function, organ function, and so on. This is the number that your body needs to perform these tasks daily. That includes digesting foods too. The body uses calories to break down food. That includes swallowing, digesting, storing, or absorbing foods!

Non-exercise activity

You burn calories when you breathe. It is quite obvious that you burn calories when you move. Even if you do not exercise, you can still lose weight, that’s because you eat fewer calories (foods) than you consume to move. That’s why, someone who just can’t sit still will burn more calories, simply because they are always moving around in some form.

Exercise activity

When you exercise, it is pretty obvious that your body uses even more fuel in order to perform physical exercise. It uses lots of fuel to perform daily life activities, and even more to perform physical exercise. Walking or performing a HIIT workout both require energy. However, it is obvious that a HIIT workout would require more energy.

Calories For Bulking

I shared all of that because when you’re working on your bulking meal plan to gain weight, your activity levels also should be considered. The reason is very simple. If your activity levels are high, then you will need higher calorie intakes in your bulking plan, because you tend to burn more fat through your activity.

So, you need to determine your metabolic rate and add to your activity level. Usually, the daily calories per pound of body weight varies from 13 (minimal weekly activity) all the way up to 30 (very high weekly training intensity).

You can use an online calculator to determine your calorie needs. This will not offer an exact, but at least a close measurement of your needs. So, after you determine your maintenance calories, (the amount of calories that maintain your current weight) which varies a lot from one person to another, you want to bulk up. This means that you should add extra calories to that number. Usually 500 to 1000 calories per day.

Ultima-Deca 250Let’s assume an athlete weighing 160 pounds requires 3000 – 3350 calories per day. This means that this athlete should be eating 3500-4000 calories per day in order to bulk.

The realistic gain should be between 0.5 to 1 pound per week. If you gain less than that, then you should up your calories. If you gain more than that, you are likely to need to lower your calories because you’re likely to gain fat too.

  • PS: only if you add anabolic steroids then you gain more than that and all of it is in the form of muscle. That’s one of lots of reasons why anabolic steroids are so popular.


Macronutrients For Bulking

While the amount of food (calories) you eat per day plays an extremely important role in a bulking diet plan, what exactly you’re eating (macronutrients) is just as important. So, it is natural to mainly focus on calories when preparing bulking meals, but the macronutrients are (at least should be) a key factor when attempting to gain muscle.

The three main macronutrients include:

  1. Protein
  2. Fat
  3. Carbohydrates

As long as you want to gain muscle, stay healthy, and avoid excess fat, you want to hit the right balance of these three macronutrients.

The Washington State University suggests that these macronutrients are responsible for:

  • Fat: healthy fats help protect vital organs, provide insulation, and energy reserve, as well as transport fat-soluble vitamins (leading to proper health).
  • Protein: they help support muscle and tissue structure, influence your metabolism, and hormonal system as well as your base/acid balance.
  • Carbs: these provide the necessary fuel during movement and especially exercise, spare protein, and it is the main energy source for your brain’s functions.

Macronutrient recommendations

So, you need a proper macronutrient balance. It is important to understand that there is no perfect macronutrient balance figure that will suit everyone. At least, according to the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institutes of Medicine. This range fluctuations from one person to another. Nevertheless, there’s an acceptable macronutrient balance range that you should be aiming for. It includes:

  • 45-65% carbs
  • 10-35% protein
  • 20-35% fat

Considering that you’re following a bulking meal plan, your macronutrient range should get a bit more specific. This means you should be aiming for something in this manner:

  • 40% carbs
  • 30% protein
  • 30% fats

This number can slightly vary, give or take 5-10% to one or another. But generally, aim for:

  • 4-7 grams of carbohydrates
  • 2-2.5 grams of protein
  • 0.5-2 grams of fat

(per kilogram of body weight, per day)

The Best Foods For Bulking

So, what bulking foods should you be eating? I do not recommend the dirty bulk (eating whatever you want) because you will get lots of fat and it is unhealthy. Instead, go for foods that provide healthy fats, lots of proteins, and whole carbohydrates. This bulking meal plan will supercharge your gains, provide you energy for the workout, and speed up recovery times, allowing you to both look and feel at your best.

Protein Bulking Foods


When we talk about the best foods for bulking, eggs just can’t miss your meal plan. That’s because they are a great go-to option for protein and all the important amino acids. Eggs are highly bioavailable, easily digested and absorbed, and used very efficiently by the body.

Chicken (especially breasts)

I know that you expected it. But chicken is actually one of the best go-to bulking foods. Serious bodybuilders are purchasing chicken breasts in… well, almost industrial quantities. Just to offer you a hint of how important it is. You can have pretty much any chicken part during a bulking plan, but it is best to opt for chicken breast as it is a leaner meat with a higher amount of protein. It is one of the best bulking foods out there!

Nuts and seeds

We can consider that nuts and seeds are almost vital bulking food. That’s because they are providing essential nutrients for your bulking plan. Moreover, they can be a great snack or used as seasoning. In whichever case, nuts and seeds are extremely helpful and popular options. They have plenty of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Moreover, their oil versions can also help get you extra calories in case that’s what you’re searching for.


It is important to understand that beef is an awesome bulking food, but it is extremely important to go for it in moderation. It is usually beneficial for bulking plans, and in moderation only. That’s because beef is commonly a no-go for a cutting cycle, and sometimes, it is a no-go for a clean bulking diet. So, only opt for moderate quantities and good quality cuts of beef. Stay away from processed versions and those that are high in saturated fats. Avoid high-fat chunks too. But generally, stay away from overconsumption of red meats for a variety of reasons. Despite the fact that they contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids, overconsumption of red meats leads to numerous health issues.


Beans are another extremely important and helpful bulking food out there. They are great for your heart and muscle gains. They are also helpful for your digestive tract, which is something to consider when in a bulking plan. Being a part of a healthy bulking diet, beans are also an excellent source of iron, folate, potassium, as well as zinc. They provide important nutrients while being rich in protein and fiber. Essential elements for muscle growth and repair, supporting your workouts.


We’re super sorry for those people who do not love yogurts, but maybe it is worth learning to love them. They will provide a lot of helpful benefits. Yogurt can provide your gut with a healthy boost of bacteria, add up calories, make a great snack with some nuts or fruit, recover your muscles, provide an energy boost, and increase the amount of fiber and proteins you get. I strongly recommend yogurt to your bulking meal plan. In a cutting cycle, you can go for a low fat version. But in a bulking cycle, you can opt for those higher in fat content. But still, avoid the high-sugary ones.


Do you know that milk is among the best bulking foods? That’s because milk contains all three of those essential macronutrients: fat, carbs, and protein. Of course, it is a problem if you’re lactose intolerant. However, if you’re not – go for it. Milk is full of lots of minerals and vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, all three essential amino acids and so on and so forth. All are extremely healthy and helpful for your healthy bulking meal plan. Milk can be a perfect post-workout or as a before-bed protein source. It provides 10-20% of whey protein and 80-90% of casein protein.


Cheese is among the most popular bulking foods. That’s because it also provides a solid dose of protein, fat, calcium, and calories. Plus, there’s a wide variety and they are all super tasty. If you’re looking to gain weight fast in a solid bulking meal plan, you can go for the full fat version. Better aim for those that are more natural and go for the hard cheese such as cheddar and ricotta.

Fats Bulking Foods


Oil is a perfect fat source because it mostly contains fat. Moreover, oils provide a huge amount of calories. A single tablespoon can equal about 120 calories. That’s why you should be careful with it, even in bulking cycles, as you may get too many fats and calories. Regardless of whether you plan to cook or drizzle on a salad, the fats in oils will provide your body with a lot of heart-healthy unsaturated fats too. Choose natural and plant based oils like olive oils and avocados.


If you go for avocado oils, why wouldn’t you have actual avocado? Love them or hate them, but avocados are indeed among the best bulking foods out there. They are a perfect source of heart-healthy fats and vitamins. Including vitamin E. Moreover, they can help lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol, while adding calories (about 300 per avocado) to your bulking meal plan. They are tasty too, you can add them to a lot of different foods.


I’ve mentioned both avocado and olive oils. It is quite obvious that olives are a great bulking food option too. These are high in healthy fats, oleic acid, and vitamin E. Generally, olives are great for heart health and decreasing inflammation. I would recommend going for the freshest you can find as they are higher in antioxidant content. You can eat them as snacks, add to salads, sandwiches, omelets, and anywhere else. They add extra flavor and extra calories with heart-healthy fat content.

Carbohydrates Bulking Foods

Dried fruit

Dried fruit is a great bulking food that helps you get stacked. That’s because dried fruits are an excellent dose of calories and natural carbs. They are naturally high in sugar but in a natural and good sugar type. They will help boost your bulking plan, add extra calories to your bulking meal plan, and offer you extra vitamins. Yet, you should make sure to avoid dried fruits with preservatives and added sugar.

Whole grain bread and crackers

It is quite obvious that bread is a great source of carbohydrates, which are essential for fueling your workouts and offering you extra calories to pack on muscle. You can pair them with protein sources. Such as eggs, lean meats, hummus, peanut butter, and others. Whole grain bread and crackers are going to deliver complex carbs. This means steady energy, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. I recommend going for the natural and healthy versions of bread and crackers.


Who doesn’t love pasta? Unfortunately, this is not a good option for cutting cycles. But it is a great option for a bulking diet plan. At least, as long as you go for the healthier versions and control your portion. Pasta provides a lot of calories and offers a lot of carbohydrates. That’s why it is among the best bulking foods. Moreover, it is easy to keep and prep, which makes it even more attractive when looking for a bulking plan.


Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates, offering quick energy, stored as muscle or extra weight. Go for white potatoes but avoid unhealthy versions of them. During a healthy bulking meal plan you need to avoid fried versions and potato chips. Generally, avoid those that come with added salt and unhealthy fats.


Oats are almost perfect all round. That’s because oats are great for both losing weight and an excellent source for bulking too. Oats are popular for the fact that they are rich in soluble fiber. But besides that, they can help stabilize your blood sugar and slowly release energy when you need it most. When you’re searching for the best bulking foods meal plan, oats are going to make a nutritious breakfast. You can pair it with milk and/or nuts, honey, dried fruits, and numerous others.


Granola is usually made from oats and then coated with oils and/or sweeteners such as honey or brown sugar. That’s why granola is basically oats, but sweeter with more calories. The extra calories can be extremely beneficial for a bulking cycle plan. You can also add yogurt, nuts, or dried fruits for extra flavor and extra calories.

Fruits and vegetables

What kind of a healthy plan does not include fruit and vegetables? Fruits and vegetables may be low in calories, but they are nutrient dense and as such, they make a great option for bulking. While they may not add a lot of calories to support your bulking, they will surely help keep you healthy, which does help you bulk further in the long run. Fruits and vegetables provide A LOT of benefits and some of them are:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduce cardiovascular issues (and heart disease risks)
  • Prevent various cancer types
  • Help maintain a healthy digestive system
  • Regular blood sugar

Have a lot of variety when it comes to fruits and vegetables and you’re going to stay healthy, supporting your bodybuilding goals. You can eat them whole, or add to smoothies, salads, etc.

Bulk Meal Plan

In case you’re trying to bulk up but you just can’t eat all those calories – then drink your calories! This is a no-go for a cutting cycle or for those who seem to add weight too fast (especially fat) in their bulking cycles. But if you don’t know how to get even more calories – drink calories whenever you want. They are convenient and quick. You can drink them in the morning, or right before going to bed. Do not go for those that contain a lot of sugar and unhealthy ingredients. Those made at home are usually the best and healthiest. You can add frozen fruit, milk, yogurt, fruits and/or vegetables, nut butter, protein powders, and numerous others.

I would recommend getting enough out of your bulking foods and eating as often as possible. Instead of having one large portion, better split it into 2-3 smaller portions. Aim to eat 4-6 times a day. Keep those calories coming. Go for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with 3 snacks in between.

Keep in mind that everyone is different with different needs, goals, body types, responses, tastes, and so on. What works for one, may not work for another, and vice versa. Feel free to be flexible in your diet. But remember you need to go for the right amount of calories and the right balance of macronutrients.

Ready To Bulk Up?

In the end, regardless if you are dieting and working out to lose weight or to bulk up, remember that it takes time. It also takes dedication and perseverance. You need to continue training hard and regularly and continue dieting right.

Unfortunately, there’s no overnight solution, unfortunately. However, with the right bulking foods and a solid bulking meal plan, you’re going to significantly speed up the weight gaining process. Additionally, if you’re looking for ways to bulk up even faster and more efficiently, you can go for our bulking products. These bulking steroids are offering the best bulking boost! You still need to go for the best bulking foods, but anabolic steroids, as you may already know, are the best things when it comes to building muscle and getting stronger in the fastest possible ways.

At you can find the best bulking steroids online which build muscle fast, increase your testosterone levels, boost your recovery process, and enhance all the body’s processes to basically turn you into a “muscle-building machine”. We can help you determine the best steroid cycle plan for your needs, but you still need to continue a great workout plan with the best bulking foods in your meal plan.


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