Bulking Macros

Bulking macros is extremely important to consider whenever you plan to gain muscle and stay away from extra fat. In fact, regardless if you’re aiming to bulk up or cut down, macronutrients play an extremely important part in whatever you plan to achieve when it comes to physique and performance. You need the right approach to bulking macros, otherwise you could gain more fat than you wanted.

Bulking involves a calorie surplus. Think of calories as your weight. Eating in surplus leads to weight gain. Eating in deficiency leads to weight loss. However, macros are the ones that indicate the type of weight you gain or lose. It can be fat gains or muscle gains. That’s why without the right bulking macros, you may tend to gain lots of fat with little muscle. But with the right bulking macros, you get lots of muscle and strength while minimizing the fat amount you gain.

That’s why, in order to make sure that you’re happy with the results, you need to work out your bulking macros. You shouldn’t just calculate your macronutrients for bulking cycles blindfolded. When you know what you’re doing and where you’re heading, you’re going to get the best results.

But first…

How To Bulk?

During bulking, the goal is to gain weight and it is obvious that predominantly weight is in the form of muscle mass. Bulking is all about gaining muscle. We do so by avoiding junk food and minimizing fat gain. The benefits of bulking include lean muscle increase, better performance and increase in strength, and easier to maintain weight.

But to bulk correctly, you need a combination of:

  • Calorie surplus over your maintenance
  • The right bulking macros
  • Healthy diet and nutrition
  • Regular and intense strength training

As said, the bulking macros will determine the type of weight that you gain during bulking while calories play a role in the amount of weight that you gain or lose. So, you should understand that nutrition plays a crucial role in keeping your body running.

Without enough fuel in your tank (that you get from healthy foods), your body cannot work intensively and long enough, cannot recover properly, and cannot grow muscle or burn fat. So, to bulk correctly, you aim to grow muscle and reduce fat gains. That’s why you focus on quality, nutritious food with a proper balance of bulking macros.

As long as you do it alright, with the right bulking calories and right bulking macros, you can notice serious body changes in 12 weeks. But remember that you need to correctly workout too. You’ll see even greater results as long as you add the right products that can assist your goals.

For example, anabolic steroids from HGH.to are extremely efficient. While not mandatory to bulk up, they will significantly help you bulk up way more and way faster.


Calculate Bulking Macros

Before you start calculating your bulking macros, you first need to know what your calories are. Well, bulking calories are usually broken down into three main macronutrients: fats, carbohydrates, and protein.

In the end, how exactly you’re calculating your bulking macros or bulking calories is completely up to you. Nonetheless, most people opt for fitness tracking apps or online macro/calorie calculators. Let’s start with step by step instructions.

Work out your bulking calories

When you master the bulking macros, it is possible to gain muscle even during calorie deficit with the right training program. Nevertheless, it is extremely hard to gain muscle via this method, and you definitely won’t be gaining as much as with a calorie surplus. Therefore, in order to perfect your bulking cycle, you must increase the amount of foods you consume so you make sure to stay in a calorie surplus.

What you need is to add 10 to 20% over your maintenance calories. This will usually promote a gain of about 1-2% of your body weight per week. For most people, that’s around 1 to 2 pounds of muscle per week. Keep in mind, however, that these numbers can significantly increase as long as you add anabolic steroids and do it all right. That’s why steroids are not mandatory, but very helpful.

Moreover, keep in mind that there are numerous other factors that come into play. Such as:

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Starting body fat %
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Training levels
  • Gender
  • And others

This is the reason why tracking your lean bulking macros is something that is pretty individual as well. That’s why there’s not a bulking cycle that can be a one-size-fits-all solution. Not in terms of bulking macros, calories, anabolic steroids, training, and so on.

So, you should start with your calorie amount and then gradually increase your intake every 4 weeks or so as you gain weight. You should have a progressive overload of training volume, alongside calorie adjustment as you gain more. Bulking macros, however, stay around the same, as long as you continue seeing the results you want.

After you rule out your bulking calories (10-20% over your maintenance calories), start calculating your bulking macros.

Calculate Fats

Bulking macros is going beyond just eating as many calories as you can. Usually, we tend to calculate fat first because it is a set percentage. Usually, that is around 30% of your calories. Fat is an essential macronutrient. It is extremely important when it comes to gaining weight and building muscle. It provides our bodies fuel and supports muscle growth/repair, with lots of other benefits for our bodies.

So, let’s assume that your bulking calories are 2,500 per day. This means that your maintenance calories are around 2,200 calories per day. +10 – 20% that means + 220 – 440 calories per day. That’s 2420 – 2640 calories per day for bulking. We take 2,500 per day for easier calculations. So, you have 2,500 calories to bulk and 30% of it should come from fat. 2,500 x 0.30 = 750 calories from fat. Now, 9 calories equals one gram of fat. This means that you should have 83 grams of fat because 750 / 9 = 83.33.

You can adjust this number of fat to slightly more or less according to how you feel and how your body responds. Nonetheless, going over this percentage of fat (30% of your daily calories), you could find yourself with more body fat gains, not lean gains. Going significantly under this percentage of fat, your body may not get what it needs to repair muscles, help you recover, provide energy, and so on.

Besides, the type of fat you eat is very important for your results too. Research indicates that saturated fats are more likely to be stored by your body. Whereas unsaturated, healthy fats can help provide more energy boost and are less likely to be stored in the body.

Calculate Proteins

Protein is another essential bulking macronutrient as it serves a huge role in building lean muscle tissues. Protein helps repair muscle damage and support existing muscle mass. This means that your body will recover faster post-workout when you provide enough protein. Additionally, protein is the least likely to be stored as body fat. How much protein you should have as a part of your bulking macros depends on your activity level and existing muscle mass. The more muscle you have the more you use it – the more your body will require it.

Studies suggest that a diet high in protein is necessary to support muscle growth and decrease body fat during bulking. It involves usually anywhere between 1 to 1.5 grams of protein a day per pound of body weight. Eating more than that you are at risk of developing various side effects and organ damage. Eating less than this you’re at risk of not growing muscle (or even losing it).

So, for example, a guy who weighs 200 pounds would need anywhere between 200 to 300 grams of protein every day. Considering that 1 gram of protein equals 4 calories, it means that you get 800 to 1200 calories from protein.

Similar to fat, it is important to remember that this number can vary according to various factors, so it can be different from one person to another.

Calculate Carbs

When calculating your bulking macros, carbs are just as important as fat and proteins so you should pay close attention to them in your bulking cycles.

Similar to fat, carbohydrates will supply your body with the energy that you need during strength training. They also support muscle gain, and recovery, and prevent muscle breakdown. Usually, you need fewer carbs when attempting to lose weight. However, when you try to work your lean bulking macros for weight gain, you may need higher amounts of carbs.

Interesting thing to mention: studies suggest that carbs are also less likely to encourage fat storage when compared to high fat intake during a calorie surplus. Moreover, carbs are the main energy source when you lift heavy. So, you get enough carbs by fulfilling the remaining calories.

For example, a guy weighing 200 pounds requiring 2,500 calories (according to the example above) would require 83 grams of fat (747 calories) and 200 grams of protein (800 calories). That makes a total of 1547 calories. Therefore, you’re left with 953 calories left that day that should come from carbohydrates. Again, there are different types of carbs, so I recommend healthy, complex carbs. Considering that 4 calories make 1 gram of carb, it means you should eat 238 grams of carbs (953 / 4 = 238.25).

So, 238 grams of carbs, 83 grams of fat, and 200 grams of protein will make 2,500 calories. But keep in mind that the number of carbs you can consume per day, similar to fat and protein, can vary according to your individual needs and how often you use carbs for energy. This is just an example of how to calculate your bulking macros.

Calculate Bulking Macros

It is important to understand that calculating your bulking macros is just one step of the overall bulking process. In order to hit your goals, you need to track your bulking macros, but you should have a controlled calorie surplus (to gain weight, but mostly gain muscles and minimize fat gains), eat healthily, train hard and regularly, have a proper lifestyle, and so on.

Overall, keeping track of your bulking macros requires accuracy and perhaps most importantly – discipline. You must keep track of everything you eat (and drink, because drinks can add calories too!). This may not be fun, but if you get it into a habit, you’ll definitely see the results coming.

Ultima-Deca 500

In the end, to achieve your bulking cycle goals, you need to keep track of your macros and stay consistent with your diet and exercises. This is essential to see the results coming.

However, if you’re searching to bulk up fast and efficiently, you may need a helping hand. Whereas you still need to count bulking macros, and calories, and work out hard and regularly, there are various things that could help you speed up the process and gain more muscle and strength. Our 100% quality anabolic steroids will support you throughout bulking cycles, helping you to make some serious gains. At HGH.to you can find the best quality products that help speed up muscle gains during bulking cycles, and speed up fat loss with muscle preservation during cutting cycles. We also provide numerous other things such as a friendly customer support team, individual cycle plan, best prices for all PEDs on our site, 100% anonymity, discounts, secure payments, and fast shipping and delivery among others.


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