Dirty Bulking

Weight loss is a very common goal among a lot of people, however, others are mostly interested in gaining weight for various reasons. When attempting to gain weight, muscle, and strength, people often resort to a dirty bulking plan. Especially because in the bodybuilding world, gaining weight is fastest through a dirty bulking plan.

While you have most likely already heard of the term “bulking up”, you may not be really familiar with what “dirty bulking” actually means. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at how a calorie surplus diet is really going to work in the world of dirty bulking.

What is Dirty Bulking?

When you’re attempting to get big and muscular, a dirty bulking plan is one way to work your way toward your goal. A calculated calorie surplus alongside resistance training is what really leads to muscle and strength gains.

However, what is a calorie surplus diet? Opposite to a weight loss plan where the aim is to work in a calorie deficit, during a bulking plan you need to work in a calorie surplus. When attempting to lose weight, you aim to burn more calories than you consume. However, during a calorie surplus diet, you aim to consume more calories than your body needs in order to gain weight.

  • So, the aim of a dirty bulking plan is to consume more calories than you’re burning (both actively and passively), which leads to weight gain. It is important to understand that weight gain can occur in the form of either muscle or fat (usually both). Generally, a clean bulk involves eating a lot of whole and unprocessed foods. However, a dirty bulking cycle is less restrictive. Both in terms of how much and what you eat.

So yes, a dirty bulking diet takes bulking to a new level of weight gain. A dirty bulking diet is usually paired with a lot of strength training, and such a diet means that no foods are off-limits and almost no calorie restrictions. For this reason, a lot of guys are also turning to high calorie shakes and mass gaining powders to support their dirty bulking gains. They are especially helpful for those who find it hard to eat as much. So, a dirty bulking plan is more helpful for those who struggle to have high food intake.

Does Dirty Bulking Work? The Benefits

There’s no doubt that a dirty bulking cycle can help you gain weight. Nonetheless, it is important to understand whether this plan is suitable and effective long-term. We are first going to talk about the benefits of dirty bulking.

Maintains a Calorie Surplus Diet

Weight loss is generally a more common goal in 2024 than gaining weight. However, some people still find it quite difficult to gain weight. That’s why, it is not uncommon for a dirty bulking plan to be a popular go-to plan for those who want to gain weight and get some serious strength and muscle mass. Men who are searching to gain weight should go for a calorie surplus diet in the form of a dirty bulk paired with strength training. This could be an extremely efficient way to pack on some pounds.

Nonetheless, to gain weight and convert those gains into muscle, you just can’t eat plenty by itself. You need some serious resistance training along the way. You just can’t go for a dirty bulking diet ignoring resistance training. So, in the end, if you find it difficult to gain weight, the dirty bulking cycle could be a highly efficient route to do just that.

Promotes Muscle and Strength Gains Fast

A dirty bulking diet is the fastest way to gain muscle and strength. According to research, to gain muscle, you only need to stay at around 10% to 20% extra calories than your maintenance. That surplus would be sufficient to add muscle. Nevertheless, during a dirty bulking plan, this calorie surplus goes significantly over this range of 20% more calories than maintenance (at least, whenever possible). This, in combination with enough weight training, is going to support way faster weight gains. That is pretty obvious since you’re providing your body with significantly more calories than it needs.

So, regardless if you’re in bodybuilding circles or you’re taking part in team sports, programmed weight gain through dirty bulking is a very common method to promote muscle and strength gains. It provides serious additions in terms of weight, strength, and muscle, and it is the fastest way to do so.

Dirty Bulking Downsides

A dirty bulking plan with such a significant calorie surplus diet will certainly help you gain weight, however, there are some downsides that you should be watch out for too.

It is obvious that a dirty bulking cycle could result in more muscle and strength gains. It is also likely to help gain faster. However, naturally, consuming high calories through a dirty bulk is going to come with negative results too. This is the main reason why you can’t sustain this bulking plan for too long.

Potential Excess Fat Gain

A clean bulking cycle aims at gaining lean muscle and minimizing fat gains. However, a dirty bulking plan only focuses on gaining as much weight as possible. So, it may be easy to follow a calorie surplus diet as a form of dirty bulk, especially because you do not track calories and you have no food choice limits. However, the problem is that it may lead to excess fat gain. You can gain fat even during a clean bulking plan, but that is way more likely during a dirty bulking plan.

It is obvious that by adding a lot of calories and pairing it with serious strength training, a lot of weight is going to be in the form of muscle gains. However, a good amount of it is still going to be in the form of fat mass.

Generally, the dirty bulking diet is a great option for adding weight. But too much fat could lead to a lack of definition in your muscle shape and size. That’s why, as long as you’re planning to compete, excessive fat gain could do more harm than good, as you have less muscle definition due to extra fat.

So, athletes or bodybuilders who are competing in physique sports may not find the dirty bulking diet the right plan simply because it has the potential to leave them out of shape. It is mostly suitable for those who want to kickstart their weight gain and bulking journey. Especially among those who are skinny.

Potential Health Risks

Besides the fact that you’re more likely to gain extra fat, the dirty bulking diet plan also could lead to potential health issues. The extra added fat alone could add to potential health effects.

A clean bulk promotes eating in a controlled manner, despite also being in surplus, and eating healthy – whole and unprocessed foods. However, dirty bulking usually involves eating as much as you please and no foods are off-limits. For this reason, most people tend to have a high intake of processed carbs and saturated fats.

But it is not a secret that a lot of unhealthy, saturated fats can have negative consequences for our bodies and health. So, while you consume a lot of foods that lead to fast weight gain, consuming too many bad foods can lead to high cholesterol and blood sugar levels. At the same time, it could increase the risk of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and others.

Still, it is important to note that studies involving participants consuming these types of foods that are usually consumed in a dirty bulking cycle were conducted in non-exercising participants. Not working out is not a bulking plan at all, because you’re likely to gain fat only, instead of muscle. So, a dirty bulking plan with exercise and strength training may be less dangerous and somewhat more beneficial.

Feeling Sluggish

It is normal to feel sluggish during a dirty bulk as long as you’re consuming plenty of processed, sugary foods. I guess we all had the feeling of regretting chowing down on a pizza or a burger with fries and coke. And we all had the feeling of feeling sluggish after eating it. These are types of foods that can lead to water retention and high blood sugar levels as they are full of refined sugars and sodium.

In case you’re new to dirty bulking, a sudden switch to high carb and full fat foods could lead to a big impact on your body. A diet high in simple carbs could lead to fatigue. This is another reason why athletes generally avoid dirty bulking plans. This type of diet may hinder your performance in the gym. If it gets out of hand, this hindrance in performance may hinder your overall bulking goals.

Not Sustainable Long Term

We would recommend a clean bulking over a dirty bulking almost always. Still, there are some situations where an individual may recommend a dirty bulking plan, usually, for specific goals. Yet, whoever plans to start this type of bulking, I wouldn’t recommend a dirty bulk for too long. It can be effective in gaining weight fast in the short term, however, it is most likely not a long term solution.

That’s because of the reasons I’ve earlier mentioned. Following a dirty bulk diet long term can have a really negative impact on your overall health, and it may become unhealthy. We’re talking about cholesterol, heart health, cardiovascular, performance, as well as overall fitness. Not to mention that you’re very unlikely to love your physique. So, a dirty bulking plan could be a solution for someone, but definitely not long term.

Dirty Bulking Diet: What Do Eat and Avoid

The results from a dirty bulking can vary from one guy to another. That’s because it greatly depends on what exactly you eat, how much, and the level of training (frequency, intensity, and so on). But a dirty bulk diet allows you to eat pretty much whatever you like. I understand this may sound amazing, but it simply may not be as great due to its risks.

So, here are some examples of foods that you can eat and avoid when attempting this bulking diet.

Foods During a Dirty Bulking Plan

  • Whatever foods high in protein such as red meat, fish, poultry, chicken, tofu, and tempeh
  • Protein powders
  • High calorie mass gaining powders
  • Cereal bars (usually packed with protein)
  • Whole eggs
  • Pizza
  • Pasta
  • Burgers
  • Cheeses
  • High carb foods
  • Nuts and nuts butters
  • Fruits and veggies
  • Baked foods
  • Avocados

Foods To Avoid During a Dirty Bulking Plan

As I said, you can actually eat whatever you love during a dirty bulking. As you’re trying to eat as many calories as possible, it just makes sense to avoid foods that are making you fuller without calories. Usually, low calorie diet foods. The only other types of foods that you may avoid are those that are actually dangerous to use in high quantities.

Bulking Up The Healthy Way

As I said, I do not really recommend a dirty bulking plan. There are only specific situations, for specific people, with specific goals when you may attempt a dirty bulking plan, and only for a certain amount of time. I do not recommend it because, as said, it can simply add too much fat, and make you feel sluggish, but worst – can be detrimental to your health when consuming too much fat and sugar.

Instead, there’s an alternative – clean bulking, which promotes lean muscle mass.

It is still a bulking plan which means that you still should eat in a calorie surplus. But it involves eating a controlled calorie surplus (about 10-20% over your maintenance), and it doesn’t allow you to eat junk, fast, and processed foods.

So, while you eat in surplus, you have a controlled surplus, and all the calories come from whole and unprocessed foods, like grains packed with fibers, protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. Foods that are usually packed with micronutrients too (like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants). The goal of a clean bulk is to eat in a calorie surplus safely. You should limit sugary, junk, and processed foods.

During such a diet you are not allowed to eat too much pasta, burgers, pizza, deep fried foods, sugary drinks or foods and so on and so forth. Instead, you can eat the following foods:

  • Lean protein
  • Fruits
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Cruciferous veggies
  • Healthy fats like avocado, nuts, olive oil, chia seeds, flaxseed and others
  • Quinoa, whole grain pasta, oats, sweet and white potatoes, white and brown rice, and others
  • From drinks, you’re allowed almost only tea and coffee (sugarless)
  • Needless to mention – plenty of water

During a clean bulking diet, you stay on top of calorie intake, but you also pay attention to your macronutrients. Eating more calories makes you gain weight. But it depends on the macronutrients and what would be the type of weight gain – fat or muscle.


So, now that you know what a dirt bulking plan is, what a dirty bulking diet involves, including its potential results such as benefits and side effects, you can decide which is the better bulking route for you.

If you ask me, dirty bulking is not worth it. At least in 99% of cases. A clean bulking type of diet is almost always a better route.

In the end, regardless of the bulking cycle plan you choose to go for, anabolic steroids are always there to help you. While anabolic steroids are also able to cause side effects, you can keep them at bay as long as you buy quality steroids and use them right. At HGH.to you can do both. We can help determine which steroids are most suitable for your needs, we can help teach you how to use them safely and efficiently, and we help provide the best quality anabolic steroids on the market. While you save money.


In the end, people opt for a dirty bulking plan mostly to gain muscle mass as much and as fast as possible. You can use anabolic steroids for this. People who struggle to bulk up fast and efficiently go for this type of diet. Whether you combine a dirty or a clean bulking diet with anabolic steroids from HGH.to – you can be sure they are the best products to support your bulking goals, such as muscle growth and strength gains. You can save money and be sure you’re on the right path to your goals.

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