Oxandrolone Side Effects

Anavar is the brand name of Oxandrolone and this is a popular anabolic steroid mainly due to milder side effects. At the same time, Anavar remains an effective steroid when it comes to physique and performance enhancement.

  • Considering its effectiveness, yet safer side effects, it’s no wonder that Anavar is such a popular steroid. Obviously, a lot of people would love to improve their physique and enhance their performance without the risk of damaging their health. And since a lot of people consider Oxandrolone “effective and safe” – it’s among the most popular steroids on the market. 

Oxandrolone (Anavar) is also a steroid that is approved by the FDA. Doctors can prescribe this medication to people who are suffering from various health conditions such as osteoporosis, inexplicable weight loss, HIV and AIDS, and others. According to researchers, Anavar does not usually produce dangerous side effects. Even when you use it for long periods of time.

But remember that in order to make Oxandrolone effective for bodybuilding and fitness purposes, you need to use higher dosages. Obviously, higher doses lead to higher risks of side effects. That’s why people who use it for fitness needs, should use it in cycles. Moreover, although Oxandrolone side effects are generally milder in comparison with other anabolic steroids, using Anavar in abusive dosages is likely to cause pretty nasty side effects.

OxanThat’s why you first need to learn how to use Anavar correctly in order to avoid its side effects. Below I’m going to share some examples of Oxandrolone side effects that can occur:

  • Negative effects on cholesterol values
  • Suppression of natural testosterone
  • Liver and/or kidney damage
  • Acne and hair loss including other androgenic issues
  • Virilization issues in women



Cholesterol Issues

According to research, Oxandrolone can negatively shift the ratio of HDL to LDL levels. HDL is the good type of cholesterol while LDL is the negative type of cholesterol. All anabolic and androgenic steroids are negatively affecting cholesterol values, but more so do oral steroids due to how they affect your liver.

That’s why oral steroids are more likely to affect your cholesterol levels in a more negative way. Considering that Anavar (Oxandrolone) is an oral steroid, it’s pretty obvious that you may experience some issues in terms of decreasing HDL and increasing LDL. That’s why people with pre existing cholesterol issues shouldn’t really start using Oxandrolone in the first place.

The research indicates that the higher the dosage and/or the longer the cycle length you use Anavar, the more the decline in HDL levels and increase in LDL levels. The good news though is that cholesterol levels are very likely to go back to normal as soon as you stop the use of this steroid.

Nonetheless, you should pay very close attention to the dosage and cycle length that you run and keep an eye on your cholesterol levels prior to, during, and after the cycle. Letting cholesterol levels go mad is likely to increase the risk of arteriosclerosis and will almost surely increase your blood pressure to some extent. These may lead to cardiovascular issues.

I strongly recommend keeping an eye on your blood pressure and cholesterol levels periodically. Those who are prone to heart disease or already suffer from high blood pressure may avoid the use of Anavar (or any other steroids) at all. I strongly recommend keeping your cholesterol, blood pressure, and overall cardiovascular health on point.

Oxandrolone Side Effects: Testosterone Suppression

Since Anavar is a form of exogenous testosterone (like any other steroid), it makes your body recognize it as a hormonal imbalance. This is the reason why using whatever anabolic steroids will suppress your natural (endogenous) testosterone production. This is a “defense mechanism” of your body against the hormonal imbalance attempting to reduce cardiovascular strain including others. That’s why your HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis) has to suffer.

According to research, people who use Anavar in dosages that are considered effective for bodybuilding purposes will experience about a 50% of reduction in natural testosterone production. Oxandrolone is milder than other steroids and that’s why its suppression rate is far not as bad as other steroids. But still – the longer the cycle length and the higher the dosage, the worse the suppression.

For this reason, I strongly recommend men add some form of testosterone during their cycle with Anavar (Oxandrolone) or whatever other steroids. The reduction of testosterone levels is the reason why some form of testosterone is very important in all steroid cycles. With the exception of women. They shouldn’t use testosterone because they don’t need as high levels of testosterone as men do, and they should avoid the addition of other steroids to avoid too high virilization issues.



Testosterone levels in men usually require months in order to recover back to normal after the user stops the Anavar cycle. During this type, a man is very likely to experience low testosterone symptoms such as tiredness, fatigue, reduced libido, reduced strength, and a myriad of other negative side effects. That’s why a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan is very important after each steroid cycle. Even after a milder steroid cycle like Oxandrolone. PCT will greatly help accelerate the recovery of endogenous testosterone and will help you avoid the symptoms of low testosterone.

Liver and Kidney Damage

Oral steroids are metabolized by your liver, that’s why oral steroids are hepatotoxic. That’s why I do not recommend oral steroids to those suffering from liver damage at all. It is also the reason why you should add liver protection supplements while using hepatotoxic steroids. Moreover, one should avoid the use of any other liver toxic compounds while using oral steroids such as Anavar and avoid abusive dosage. Lastly, you should keep cycles short so they won’t lead to permanent damage to your liver.

An interesting thing about Oxandrolone, however, is the fact that it is metabolized both by your liver and your kidneys. The good news is that a part of the workload is taken by your kidneys which means that your liver will not suffer so much. The liver strain is far not as bad with Anavar as it is with other oral steroids. But the bad news is that your kidneys have to suffer. Since the workload is spread to your liver and your kidneys, both organs have to suffer. But due to that, none of them suffer as much as with other steroids.

Anyway, you should implement all the methods required to keep both your liver and your kidneys safe. Having a proper diet and training plan, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and drinking enough water are some of the most important methods. Alongside avoiding abusive dosages and prolonged cycle lengths, of course.

Androgenic Oxandrolone Side Effects

Absolutely all anabolic and androgenic steroids have some form of androgenic activity. Some steroids have way more androgenic activity than others and that’s why they are way more likely to cause androgenic issues. Of course, dosage and cycle length plays a crucial role in androgenic issues. But genetics is what plays an extremely important role too.

For example, all steroids have the risk of androgenic issues, but the risks are higher if male pattern baldness runs in your family. On the other hand, if you are not having the genetics of losing hair, you may not experience such issues.

Another example of androgenic issues is aggressiveness. While an aggressive person may notice even more aggressiveness (roid rage) while running anabolic steroids, a calm person may not notice any changes at all.

The same applies to acne. If you’re genetically prone to suffer from acne, Anavar or whatever other steroids are likely to make it worse or speed it up. But if you don’t have the genetics for acne, you may not notice it at all.

The point is that Oxandrolone may accelerate these issues in genetically susceptible individuals. All steroids can, including Anavar. Although it’s milder so less likely. But still can occur because Oxandrolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. DHT is a powerful androgen that affects hair follicles on the scalp and is the main cause of other androgenic issues. Androgenic Oxandrolone side effects can occur, but it’s not going to be as bad as with other steroids.

Virilization in Women

Anavar is actually very suitable for women. This is the most popular anabolic steroid for women. Anavar is popular as the most female friendly steroid. That’s mainly because of Oxandrolone’s mild androgenic rating which is usually not producing virilization side effects in women. However, as long as women use it correctly in lower doses and shorter cycle lengths.


It also depends on the genetics of each woman of course. But it also very much depends on the dosage too. That’s why, although Anavar is very female friendly, virilization issues can still occur. That’s why it is so important to avoid abuse in terms of dosage and cycle length. I would also recommend women avoid the use of other anabolic steroids while using Oxandrolone, otherwise, it enhances the masculinization process.

Of course, all steroids can cause such issues, including Anavar. However, Anavar is the most female friendly that is not cause such side effects and keeps a woman’s femininity intact. That’s why it is so popular among women. It also helps burn fat and build muscle in women.

Nonetheless, in the case of abuse, the virilization side effects include:

  • Deepening of the voice
  • Hair growth on the body and/or face
  • Enlargement of clitoris
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Behavioral and emotional changes
  • Basically developing manlier traits

Studies suggest that using Oxandrolone in very tiny doses for a lot of time (months or even years) is still safe for women. But if you use Anavar for physique and performance enhancement, you better keep cycles short to avoid these issues. The dosage for women shouldn’t ever exceed 20 mg/day, but in fact, anything over 10 mg/day is already likely to cause virilization issues.

Oxandrolone Side Effects Summary

It’s important to remember that the dosage and cycle length plays an extremely important role in determining Oxandrolone side effects. However, genetics also come into play. If you never used Anavar, you never know how it may affect you. That’s why I strongly recommend you to start at very low dosages and then may start slowly and gradually increase the dosage if you respond well to it.

Moreover, never follow someone else’s plan. While someone may find that they tolerate a dosage of 50 mg/day very well, for someone else this dosage may cause nasty side effects. It depends on your tolerance, lifestyle choices as well as genetics.

Therefore, you need to learn how to use Anavar correctly specifically for you and your needs. However, Anavar is still a relatively mild anabolic steroid. Even women and children were using this steroid in medical settings pretty safely. However, when it comes to bodybuilding purposes, dosages are usually higher so you need to be extra careful.

In addition to that, it’s pretty obvious that to avoid Anavar side effects you need to buy a high quality steroid. Lower quality products are not only less effective, but they are also likely to cause more side effects too. That’s why I strongly recommend paying attention to where exactly you buy Oxandrolone to get only quality stuff.

Buy Anavar For Sale

ultima-oxandrolone-50-anavarRemember that if you want to buy Anavar or whatever other anabolic steroidsHGH.to is here to help you. We’re a source of anabolic steroids popular for offering trustworthy compounds. Each supplier that you can find on our website is going through a review process of quality control before we’re allowing them in our store. Moreover, we’re also constantly monitoring the reputation of the manufacturer to make sure that our clients are receiving the best quality steroids.

  • HGH.to is popular for offering competitively priced steroids from selected brands. We pay very close attention to quality and that’s why we carefully select the manufacturers that we work with. We’re constantly trying to uphold the highest product quality and shelf-life.

So, we do know that Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a steroid that is commonly faked. But by doing business with us you can be sure you will get only the best quality steroids!


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