
Winstrol (active ingredient – Stanozolol) is by far one of the most well known anabolic steroids in the fitness and bodybuilding communities nowadays. This is a historical steroid and perhaps the second most popular oral steroid you can find on the market. It is known for helping lots of people all over the world achieve mind blowing results when it comes to changing physiques and body recomposition.

  • Lots of people love Winstrol (Stanozolol) because of its ability to aid strength and lean muscle mass gains alongside aesthetics, cutting cycles, and contest preparation. That’s why this is such a favorite steroid among lots of athletes, bodybuilders, and gym rats. 

Stanozolol is truly an amazing steroid that can offer amazing benefits. But it’s pretty obvious that pretty much like every other steroid out there, it may cause adverse side effects. It’s pretty obvious that a user would love to avoid experiencing these side effects and only experience the myriad of benefits that Stanozolol can offer.

To do that, you first need to learn about this powerful anabolic agent. After you understand what it is, what to expect from it both in terms of benefits and side effects, and whether or not you want to use it, you should also research Winstrol dosage and how to use Stanozolol correctly.

After enough research, you may buy and use it. But you also need to make sure you buy quality Stanozolol. It’s obvious that otherwise, it’s not going to offer the benefits that you can expect and even worse, may cause more and nastier side effects.

Buy Stanozolol For Sale Online

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So, you got to learn how to use it properly and got to make sure you buy quality Stanozolol. Luckily, from you can buy Stanozolol for sale which is not only going to save you money, but you can make sure you get the purest steroids on the market. Moreover, you could also learn how to use it correctly.

Winstrol – Stanozolol Introduction

Stanozolol is a steroid that is going to provide a lot of benefits to a user. The steroid has the ability to help you gain quality and lean muscle mass and overall sustainable size. At the same time, it does help maintain aesthetically pleasing results because you don’t get the bloating or “water retention” in muscles as many other steroids do.

It is the “Winstrol look” that most people are attempting to achieve. While it’s hard to achieve (but much easier when adding Winstrol), it’s the type of body look that everyone dreams of because it’s the “hard and dry beach body” type.

This is an immensely powerful steroid and that’s why it offers such amazing benefits. But because of its huge potency, it’s also likely to cause side effects that you should be careful about. In fact, it’s difficult for a lot of users to cycle with Stanozolol specifically because of the side effects that can be too bad.

It’s pretty obvious that understanding what you may expect from Winstrol use, how to protect your body from its side effects, and how to dose it properly are all imperative before running your first Stanozolol cycle.

You should fully understand what Stanozolol is as well as how to address its possible side effects before you actually want to determine the correct dosage of this steroid.

Winstrol (Stanozolol) is an anabolic steroid with high anabolic activity, low androgenic activity, no aromatization (no estrogen increase), and the ability to bind to SHBG. This is a DHT derivative steroid. Also, you could find Stanozolol oral tablets or Stanozolol injections meant for intramuscular use. Needless to mention that oral Stanozolol tablets are the favorite version of administration. Especially considering that injections could be painful.


Stanozolol Side Effects

The pains at the injection site from the use of Stanozolol injections are surely not the only possible side effect. With both versions of Stanozolol, you may get the same results and the same side effects.

So, Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is a sex hormone. It’s actually the DHT levels in the womb that determine whether an unborn baby will develop into a male or female. This is the powerful androgen of all other hormones and it is what makes a male develop masculine traits. Problem is that too much DHT (too much androgenic activity) leads to various side effects. For example, acne, hair loss, aggression, and others.  Considering this – it’s obvious that Winstrol may cause such side effects. Especially if you’re genetically prone to such adverse effects. Because of this, women are at high risk of virilization if they attempt to use Winstrol.

Except for that, natural testosterone suppression is going to occur too. Pretty much as with any other steroid. That’s why you need base testosterone in your Winstrol cycle and you also need a full Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after each cycle.

Moreover, Stanozolol is C17 AA in both injectable and oral versions. This means that it is going to have negative effects on your cholesterol, cardiovascular system, and especially your liver. I strongly recommend users protect their internal organs while on a Winstrol cycle.

Winstrol cannot cause estrogenic issues because it cannot aromatize. In fact, Stanozolol kind of works the other way around as a diuretic, instead of causing water retention. That’s why there are people who complain of developing joint pain from using this steroid. It is drying out water from the body which contributes to looking hard and dry but may cause some issues.

Cycle Support

I strongly recommend you have all the cycle sports ready even before you start your cycle. It’s very important to have all the ancillaries and post cycle products on hand and ready for use at any given moment. It can be a really hard lesson if you do not address possible side effects on hand because you don’t have the proper ancillaries for them.

Stanozolol-bodybuilding-winstrol It’s pretty hard to deal with androgenic side effects. Sometimes impossible. I wouldn’t recommend attempting Finasteride because this product comes with its own side effects that are likely even worse than those of Winstrol. You may try less dangerous stuff such as anti-acne solutions for acne and Minoxidil, for example, for hair loss.

For dealing with joint pains, you may need multiple joint support supplements. Such as calcium, chondroitin, msm, and glucosamine and there are various other ingredients that can be helpful.


Moreover, to deal with liver issues, I strongly recommend liver supplements that could protect your organs. There are various supplements such as Milk Thistle including others.

Moreover, there are products that can help you protect your cholesterol and cardiovascular health. Go for those supplements. Additionally, make sure you have enough cardio in your training regimen. Especially considering that a Winstrol cycle is popular for weight loss and cutting cycles so you would need cardio regardless. Adding healthy fatty acids such as Omega 3 and 6 to your regimen is also going to be helpful.

Lastly, in order to deal with testosterone suppression you need base testosterone in your cycle. Testosterone is actually important in all steroid cycles. And you will also need PCT medications such as Nolvadex and/or Clomid and maybe some HCG for preventing testicular shrinkage. But since you use testosterone, you may also need anti-estrogens (Aromatase Inhibitors) during the cycle. Stanozolol itself doesn’t convert into estrogen. But testosterone does.

Stanozolol Dosage

Remember I said that Winstrol is a powerful steroid? Well, because it is so powerful, you do not need to use it in high doses to make it effective. Beginners find Stanozolol highly effective even in low doses.

In whichever case, I strongly recommend using Winstrol for no longer than 8 weeks. But the most common length of using Stanozolol is 6 weeks. Using it over 6 weeks you may find out that the side effects are becoming unbearable. Using it over 8 weeks is dangerous altogether!

Winstrol dosage is commonly 50 mg a day for men and 5-10 mg a day for women for 6 weeks. Nonetheless, beginners should start at lower dosages. Such as 20-30 mg a day for men and 2.5-5 mg a day for women. Men with experience can go as much as 80 mg a day (but never over 100 mg/day) and women with experience can go as much as 15 mg a day (but never over 20 mg/day).

Such high doses are greatly increasing the risks of side effects in both genders. Women may find Anavar a safer steroid. But men using it alone (without base testosterone) may find the cycle is less effective and causes more side effects.

The most common way to use Winstrol is at the end of the cycle to develop the muscle hardening appearance. It burns fat, flushes out excess water, and helps you gain lean muscle tissues with an overall shredded and aesthetically pleasing body image.

In The End

Stanozolol is an awesome cutting steroid. It’s the most popular oral cutting steroid on the market and perhaps the second most powerful cutting steroid, after Trenbolone. It’s an awesome steroid that is capable of causing awesome results. 

However, you also need to take the side effects very seriously. If you don’t, there’s a high chance you will regret using Stanozolol in the first place. You need to determine how your body reacts to Winstrol and how it handles its effects. To do so, you need to find your personal best Winstrol dosage by starting slowly and only increasing dosage gradually.


I recommend having all the ancillaries necessary handy even before you start running the Stanozolol cycle. It’s important to put your health and safety at utmost importance. To do so, learn about this steroid and make sure you get the best quality Stanozolol.

At you can get help with both. We can provide you purest and best quality Stanozolol for sale and we can help you learn how to use it for the best results. So, with the help of our anabolic steroid store, Winstrol can help you yield amazing results in a cutting cycle and stay away from nasty side effects.


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