
Methandrostenolone is the active substance in the very popular anabolic steroid known as Dianabol. You may also know it as Methandienone – the other name of the active substance of Dianabol. Nonetheless, Dianabol itself is just the brand name. The most popular one. There are numerous others available too because each manufacturer has their own brand name. Dianabol (Dbol) still remains the most popular.

What I’m trying to say is that as long as we are talking about high quality Methandrostenolone (AKA Methandienone) – we are talking about the same steroid. And the brand doesn’t really matter.

This is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid coming in the form of pills. The steroid is most popular for its amazing performance enhancing abilities allowing you to gain muscle mass and strength really fast. While Methandrostenolone was a prescribed medication for various health conditions, it’s nowadays mostly a steroid that can help you with your bodybuilding needs.


More About Dianabol

Being an orally active steroid, Dianabol is actually a C17 AA steroid. This chemical alteration makes it highly bioactive when you use it as a pill. It can pass through your liver without being destroyed. That’s one of the reasons why so many people love Dbol – using it as pills, without the need to inject it.

This is a steroid created by doctor John Ziegler and ever since its creation – Dianabol is perhaps the most popular oral steroid. It was used by a lot of bodybuilders and is still nowadays one of the most popular steroids on the market. It got very popular during the golden era of bodybuilding when legendary bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger (including many others) were using it for their goals of growing muscle and getting stronger.

That’s why Metandienone is recognized as a true performance enhancing anabolic and androgenic steroid. Dbol has amazing benefits for fitness needs and those benefits have been studied for many decades now. Many people also think of Dianabol as the best bulking steroid when it comes to the benefits vs side effects ratio. That’s because while there are even more powerful bulking steroids such as Anadrol – Dianabol is not as dangerous in terms of side effects.

Therefore, despite the fact that Dianabol pills are not approved by the FDA and have no medical uses nowadays, they still remain extremely popular. Even in the USA. There are a lot of users who rely on this steroid due to its efficacy. By running a Dianabol cycle, users can expect really fast muscle gains and strength improvements. Moreover, Dianabol happens to be one of the cheapest steroids on the market.

Popularity of Methandrostenolone

  • Nonetheless, as with any other steroid, Methandrostenolone is likely to cause side effects.

You need to learn how to use it correctly before actually doing so. Methandienone can induce protein synthesis and nitrogen retention while creating a perfect anabolic environment in the body allowing you to grow fast and efficiently. But it also comes with the risk of side effects. The most prominent ones are estrogenic and hepatotoxic issues.

  • But when you master this steroid, you’re going to greatly benefit from using it.

There are numerous studies and numerous people all over the world who prove that Dianabol remains one of the most effective AAS when talking about boosting muscle mass and building up strength. In combination with the fact that it comes with an inexpensive price tag and very easy oral ingestion -it’s no wonder that it ended up as such a popular steroid. It has attracted a lot of beginners due to all these factors. But since it remains very effective, there are still lots of advanced and professional users who run Dianabol. Methandrostenolone-dianabol-dbol

Main Benefits of Methandrostenolone

There is no doubt that the main perks of this extremely powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid relate to the main concern of muscle and strength growth. This is the steroid that greatly helps users pack on muscle, gain weight and get overall stronger with an overall improvement in performance indicators. That’s because it makes you improve energy, stamina, endurance, recovery, and so on and so forth. So, the main benefits are:

  • Really fast increase in protein synthesis in cells. They are the building blocks for boosting muscular growth.
  • A huge increase in nitrogen balance and retention allows your body to remain in the anabolic environment.
  • Increases red blood cell counts that are doing an awesome job in transporting better and more nutrients and oxygen to your muscles.
  • Better conversion of carbohydrate glycogen from muscle cells as well as the liver. This results in a better breakdown of glucose that increases energy levels and burns fat easier.

Dianabol is actually boosting some of the most basic body processes. Nonetheless, those are the fundamental and critical processes when it comes to contributing to physique and performance enhancement purposes. The anabolic effects of Dbol make it just perfect for gaining overall weight, especially when talking about the muscular size and strength.

It’s important to understand that Methandrostenolone is a steroid with very high anabolic activity (more than twice that of testosterone) and moderate androgenic activity. While the testosterone ratio is 100:100 anabolic to androgenic activity, the Methandienone ratio is 210:60. Additionally, Dianabol aromatizes even more than testosterone. This may cause some side effects if you won’t control it, but it definitely contributes to your bulking cycle.

Bulking vs Cutting on Dbol

However, because of the high aromatization liability of Dbol, this is a poor choice for cutting cycles. While some people still use it (very rarely), it’s not a good option for cutting and weight loss. That’s because of the big aromatization likelihood. This is likely to cause massive water retention. This can be helpful in a bulking cycle. The extra water can help you lift more weights and gain more muscle. But the extra water is definitely making it a very unpopular steroid for cutting cycles.

Yet, because of its ability to produce huge strength and hypertrophy gains, Dianabol pills are extremely helpful and popular for bulking purposes.

In order to explain it easier – if you’re searching for Dianabol steroids then your main goal should be to pack on muscle mass and strength. If you are looking for cutting and weight loss cycles, there are much better options. Yet, Dbol does have the ability to easily and fastly transform your body. It can make you in the best shape with extra strength, energy, and stamina, better and faster recovery post workouts, and, of course, more muscles.

And yeah, that’s actually a very important thing to mention – Dbol is actually offering a very powerful and rapid recovery between workouts. It will not only make you able to lift more weights and reduce fatigue during training, but you can train more often too. The soreness post workout is greatly reduced allowing you to be ready for the next workout more quicker. Undeniably this contributes to the fact that you gain more muscle and gain muscle faster.

Overall, as you can see, it’s no wonder Dianabol got so immensely popular. It’s an awesome steroid among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts.


Dbol Side Effects

But before you actually use it, you need to know that Dbol is likely to cause side effects too. The most prominent ones are those related to hepatotoxic effects and estrogenic issues. But as with any other steroid, Dianabol is going to suppress natural testosterone and is likely to cause androgenic issues among men. Women are not recommended to use it at all due to the availability of better steroids for their goals. Of course, virilization issues are likely to occur. Negative effects on cholesterol and/or the cardiovascular system, obviously, can occur too.

So, I strongly recommend you learn how to correctly use Methandrostenolone (Methandienone) first. On our site you can learn that through different blog posts and/or by asking for cycle advice. A professional bodybuilder will help.


It’s important to understand that this information is for reference only. Each body is very different and it means that you may experience different results from the same compound. That’s why I strongly recommend learning about your body first. And of course, learn about the compounds that you’re attempting to put into your body.

I recommend starting slowly and never overdoing it. Do your own research and check how each compound such as Methandrostenolone works for you and your body. Listen to your body and do not follow any of the recommendations (here or anywhere else) blindly.

We cannot be held responsible for any damage that you may do to your body by improper use of products. Please be careful how you use steroids.

Buy Methandrostenolone – Dianabol For Sale


You can buy Methandrostenolone of the best quality directly from our site We have everything that you need for a successful Dianabol cycle. There are numerous other things you may need alongside Dbol for a great cycle. Such as PCT meds, anti-estrogens, testosterone, and others.

We’re a reputable source which means that all products you can buy from our site are of the best quality. Plus, you can save money. The fact we have awesome quality steroids can be proven by reading customer reviews from people who already did business with us.


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