Winstrol vs Anavar

Winstrol (Stanozolol) and Anavar (Oxandrolone) are two very popular anabolic and androgenic steroids, mainly used by bodybuilders and athletes for their cutting cycles. Although both of these steroids are available in form of injections and pills, most people mainly choose the pills versions. Moreover, both of these steroids are popular for helping users to burn fat and gain lean muscle mass.

Therefore, a lot of beginners may wonder: how do these two steroids differ? And it’s pretty obvious that one of the most common questions is: which one is better?

When comparing these two steroids side by side, Winstrol vs Anavar, it’s getting pretty clear that each one of them comes with its own pros and cons.

Below I’m going to share some more helpful information, in more detail, about their advantages and disadvantages. You will know how Winstrol vs Anavar compare. Based on that information, you can have a better idea of which one is better for you (based on your preferences and goals).


A lot of people can’t really understand what is the difference between Anavar and Winstrol considering they are both orally active and both are predominantly steroids for cutting purposes. This is what actually makes so many people compare these two steroids.

They are so similar because of their similar chemical structure. Both Winstrol and Anavar are dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derivatives. This means that none of them are capable of aromatizing into estrogen. This is the main reason why they are both great cutting steroids.

Moreover, they both have a methyl group at the carbon 17-alpha position which allows them to remain highly bioactive when used as pills. Despite both coming as injectable compounds, most people choose to use them as tablets.

  • PS: Winstrol injectable is more popular than Anavar injectable. Yet still, most people go for pills for both steroids.

Moreover, they are similar in terms of having high anabolic activity and low androgenic activity. Yet, they are still different.






Which One is The More Powerful Steroid?

By analyzing these two oral cutting steroids, Anavar seems a more powerful steroid. They both offer similar androgenic activity (Anavar:24 and Winstrol:30) but the Anavar is offering a higher anabolic rating of 322-630 in comparison to Winstrol anabolic rating of 320.

Nonetheless, we all know that the information on paper is often misleading and doesn’t correspond with real-life terms. That’s true when comparing Winstrol vs Anavar too. That’s because out of the two, Winstrol is the more powerful steroid. The results with Winstrol, therefore, are somewhat more noticeable for most users. That’s why we can say that Winstrol is a winner – it is a more potent compound out of the two capable of offering more benefits.

Which One is The Safer Steroid?

So, most would agree that Winstrol (Stanozolol) is more powerful than Anavar (Oxandrolone). But at the same time, Anavar is definitely a winner when deciding which one is a safer steroid. When asking bodybuilders which one is safer, you’re definitely going to be told that Anavar is safer and milder.

That’s actually pretty obvious for a more powerful compound to offer more benefits, yet more side effects too. And a milder compound like Anavar is milder in terms of side effects.

Comparing Benefits of Winstrol vs Anavar


Fat Loss

Those who use Stanozolol or Oxandrolone won’t only notice a reduction in subcutaneous fat, but they can also reduce visceral fat too. That’s one of the main reasons why both compounds are popular for cutting and weight loss needs.

Thanks to this effect, Anavar and Winstrol are going to keep your waistline as tiny as possible and that’s perfect for those athletes and bodybuilders who are searching for aesthetics rather than mass. As a result, users of any of these steroids are going to enhance muscle definition and vascularity.

But when comparing them side by side, it seems like users can expect a more pronounced effect in terms of fat loss from Winstrol.

Muscle Growth

Because both Anavar and Winstrol are burning fat and none of them can aromatize into estrogen, it’s obvious that the muscles you can gain with this steroid are lean. But it’s pretty obvious that it comes down to your diet too.

Also, assuming that you’re going to have pretty much the same diet and workout routine, people can expect about 10 lbs of lean muscle mass from the Anavar cycle. Nonetheless, a Winstrol cycle is likely to help you gain even more – around 15 lbs of lean muscle mass.

Therefore, it’s fairly obvious that Winstrol is a better muscle builder than Anavar. Nonetheless, it’s important to understand that their muscle building potential is not as big as actually bulking steroids like Dianabol and Anadrol. However, the advantage of Anavar and Winstrol is that you can receive lean muscle gains, rather than visual dramatic muscle growth that with Dianabol or Anadrol with wet gains.

That’s why Anavar and Winstrol are popular among athletes in the first place. They can experience improvement in strength, endurance, power, and lean muscle gain without fat and too much overall weight increase.

Strength Gains

Even when talking about the strength gains, Winstrol is still a winner. According to those who used both these steroids, they could notice a surge in strength with both of them, but it seems like their strength was slightly higher with Stanozolol rather than Oxandrolone.

Winstrol also seems to be a better option among those who want to enhance performance such as endurance, motivation, aggressiveness during workouts/competitions, and so on and so forth.

Comparing Side Effects of Winstrol vs Anavar

Overall, as we can notice Winstrol seems like a better option because pretty much in all the main benefits, it seems like a winner. Does it mean that Winstrol (Stanozolol) is actually a better choice than Anavar (Oxandrolone)? Not actually and that’s mainly because of the side effects.

Winstrol is more powerful in terms of results (although some people still love how Anavar works better for them) but Anavar is definitely a better choice in terms of side effects. As I said, there’s a general rule of thumb with anabolic steroids – the better the results, the worse the side effects.

While then again, pretty much as with the benefits, both are offering pretty much the exact same benefits, both are offering similar side effects too. But Anavar is having milder side effects. Both have negative effects on cholesterol values, liver enzymes, and testosterone suppression, but the Winstrol effects would be more devastating.

It’s important to understand that although Winstrol is more powerful, it definitely doesn’t mean that Anavar is useless. At the same time, although Winstrol is having more side effects, it doesn’t mean that Anavar is safe. It’s still potentially harmful and potentially extremely effective depending on how you use them.


Liver Toxicity

Both of these steroids are coming in the form of oral tablets. They are both C17AA steroids which allow both of them to survive when passing through the liver. The problem is that they are both liver toxic. It’s well known that C17 AA steroids are causing negative effects on the liver. They increase ALT and AST markers which means potential liver stress and damage.

For this exact reason, oral steroids shouldn’t ever go together (unless you take small doses of both, rather than just one of them in very high dosage), dosages are slow, cycle lengths are short, and always in combination with liver cleaning/protecting supplements such as TUDCA, Milk Thistle, LIV-52 or others. These supplements can minimize the stress on the liver.

According to research (and confirmed by bodybuilders and athletes) – Anavar is way less liver toxic than Winstrol. Part of the reason could be because 1/3 of Oxandrolone is metabolized by the kidneys. While the workload is shared both by kidneys and liver resulting in potential damage in both organs, sharing the workload usually results in less stress.

Research indicates that 20 mg/day of Anavar for 8 weeks isn’t going to have a devastating effect on liver values (but still increase them). Half a dosage of Winstrol of 10 mg/day for the same period of time is going to offer harsher effects on the liver.

Overall, Anavar is definitely a winner in terms of being a milder organ damaging drug than Winstrol which is likely to have way more devastating effects.

By the way, the injectable versions are still liver toxic!

Cholesterol and Cardiovascular

Anavar (Oxandrolone) is popular for having some pretty harsh effects on your lipids. For example, it can negatively affect your cholesterol pretty badly as it could reduce HDL (good cholesterol) and increase LDL (bad cholesterol) values both by about 30 % while on a moderate dosage.

As a result, this could lead to a pretty notable increase in blood pressure while you’re using the Anavar cycle, even in moderate dosages. This could lead to various cardiovascular issues and heart related problems.

Studies indicate that Winstrol is capable of causing pretty much the exact same effects of about a 30% drop in good cholesterol and an increase in bad cholesterol, but rather on a low dosage. Now considering that bodybuilders usually administer at least a moderate Winstrol dosage, it’s obvious that Anavar is actually safer for your overall cholesterol and cardiovascular health.

Of course, these steroids can affect people differently depending on various factors. But I wouldn’t recommend any of these steroids to people with already existing hypertension, heart issues, or cholesterol issues.

Those who are healthy enough usually run either a Winstrol cycle or Anavar cycle alongside fish oil, Omega 3, and other supplements that can help reduce the negative effects on cholesterol. They increase the frequency of cardiovascular workouts and decrease the saturated fat while overall closely watching their diet.

Androgenic Issues

Both Anavar and Winstrol are DHT derivatives and both have very similar androgenic activity of 24 and 30, respectively. Therefore, the androgenic related side effects are actually very similar in terms of intensity.

It’s important to understand that androgenic side effects are very closely related to your genetics, in the first place. For example, if you’re having male pattern baldness running in your family, chances are very high that you’re going to suffer from hair loss even without steroids. But both Winstrol and Anavar (and whatever other steroids) can speed it up.

The same applies to aggression. If you’re an aggressive person, steroids can make it worse. But they barely change anything if you’re naturally a calm person. Or acne. If you never suffered from acne, steroids are unlikely to cause it. But if you battled acne when you were a teenager – chances are, steroids including Winstrol and Anavar will bring it up again.

Nonetheless, it does look like Anavar is somewhat safer in such issues according to most people’s reports. The difference is not huge. It seems like it corresponds to their androgenic activity (24 vs 30).

However, it seems like there’s a slightly bigger androgenic activity difference in women. Women can experience virilization issues with both of these steroids, but chances seem much lower with Anavar rather than Winstrol. In fact, Anavar is the most popular steroid among women because it’s the steroid classified as the safest among women in terms of masculinization issues. Winstrol is fairly popular too, but there’s barely anything better and safer than Anavar for women.

Testosterone Suppression

When people are administering Anavar in a moderate to moderately high dosage per day, studies indicate that on average, those people will experience a decline of about 45% in their natural testosterone levels. That’s actually a relatively mild effect. This is because compared to other steroids (that are often considered more powerful), they completely shut down the hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis (HPTA).

And that while the studies were performed for 12 weeks. That’s a cycle length that I wouldn’t recommend. A common Anavar cycle only lasts for 6-8 weeks. By the way, women’s Anavar cycle length should only last 4-6 weeks.

On the other hand, a low dosage of Winstrol administered for a much shorter period was suppressing natural (endogenous) testosterone levels at about the same rate, or even slightly higher. That’s why administering Winstrol in a moderate-high dosage for a 6 weeks cycle length is surely going to offer a much bigger decline in testosterone levels and will almost certainly have a much worse effect on your HPTA.

That’s why people will be able to recover much faster and easier from an Anavar cycle rather than a Winstrol cycle when talking about recovering natural testosterone production.

Winstrol vs Anavar For Women

I already mentioned earlier that Anavar is the best steroid for women. It’s the most popular one for one simple reason: while it helps gain lean muscle tissue and burn fat, it’s among the safest in terms of virilization side effects.

Virilization (or masculinization) side effects in women are the worst side effects of steroids for women. Absolutely all anabolic and androgenic side effects will cause these issues but at different rates. Anavar is the safest in terms of these issues so most women go for it rather than Winstrol or whichever other steroid.

Steroids are affecting women differently than they affect men. That’s why safety is usually the number one concern in women. Women using Winstrol (which is also fairly popular, by the way, due to low androgenic activity) are reporting greater muscle definition, muscle growth, and fat loss. Nonetheless, they are also reporting nastier side effects such as:

  • Deepening of the voice
  • Enlarged clitoris
  • Breast reduction
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Abnormal growth of hair on the face and/or body
  • Hair shedding (on the scalp)
  • Many other changes

In the end, chances are much higher to experience virilization from the Winstrol cycle rather than Anavar. According to many women, using 10-20 mg/day of Anavar for 4-6 weeks is completely safe in terms of virilization. Only the most sensible women are likely to experience side effects.

Price Difference

When comparing the prices for the anabolic steroids, Anavar and Winstrol are on almost different ranges of the spectrum. While Anavar is one of the most pricey steroids, Winstrol is one of the least pricey ones.

The price difference between the two compounds is almost in half. For example, while 100 x 10 mg Anavar tablets will cost you around $70-150, the prices for Winstrol are cheaper because getting 100 x 10 mg Winstrol tablets will cost you around $40-80, for example.

Of course, the prices can be different depending on the brand, tablet concentration, amount of tablets you buy, and other factors. But generally, Oxandrolone is twice as much as Stanozolol.

For this reason, and especially because people expect similar benefits and side effects from both, a lot of scamming manufacturers are selling Stanozolol products as Oxandrolone. They claim to offer Anavar (Oxandrolone) while really offering Winstrol (Stanozolol). This way, they save money and the potential customer does experience some benefits and side effects.

But that’s a really dangerous practice! As explained above, Winstrol is indeed more powerful with more benefits, but it’s also way more dangerous. So a person (especially a woman or a beginner) may start using 20-30 mg/day of Anavar, thinking that it’s Oxandrolone, thus shouldn’t really experience any nasty side effects, but in reality, they receive 20-30 mg/day of Winstrol which is a really big dosage for women and beginners capable of causing some nasty side effects in terms of testosterone suppression, cholesterol, blood pressure, virilization, liver toxicity, and others.

Buy Anavar and Winstrol For Sale

That’s why it’s extremely important to make sure you pay attention to where you’re buying your steroids from. At you can supply only the highest quality anabolic steroids for the cheapest prices on the market. You save money and do not worry about receiving another steroid than the one it’s labeled.







With all of that being said, do you still wonder which one is better: Winstrol vs Anavar? As you can see, there is no “best” compound. It all depends on your goals, level of experience, current health, gender, and so on and so forth.

Winstrol is a much better steroid in terms of benefits and results and it’s also cheaper. But Anavar is much better in terms of safety. While both can offer great results, Anavar is also going to be safer for your health.

  • That’s why, if you’re willing to risk your health and save money in order to get in the best possible way – Winstrol seems like a better idea.
  • But if you’re concerned about your liver and health in general but want to boost your physique and performance then Anavar is a better option.

In the end, I recommend Winstrol to people who had experience with Anavar first and to those men who are willing to take things to the next level. Nonetheless, I recommend Anavar to women and beginners as well as those who do want to damage their health too much.

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