
Oxymetholone is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) that is better known by its most popular brand Anadrol. It’s often called A50, Abombs, Adrol too. There are numerous other brand names too but Anadrol is the most popular one. Oxymetholone is perhaps the best steroid when it comes to bulking cycles. It’s an extremely powerful steroid that can help you bulk up a lot and do it really fast. The problem is that Oxymetholone is actually so powerful that it’s capable of causing side effects too. 

That’s why, despite Oxymetholone being among the most powerful orally active anabolic steroids on the market and perhaps the best for bulking cycles, it’s not the most popular. Not everyone can tolerate the huge potency of Anadrol (Oxymetholone).

That’s why, if you plan to run an Anadrol cycle, I strongly recommend learning about it as much as possible

Learn about its side effects and benefits and how to use it correctly. Moreover, I generally recommend having previous experience with milder compounds such as Dianabol first. That’s because you’ll have a better idea of how steroids work for you and you need to take it slowly.

Oxymetholone in Medical Settings



Oxymetholone (Anadrol), despite being so powerful, is still approved by the FDA. In the past, it was used to help with muscle growth in patients with growth issues and malnourishment. Patients suffering from osteoporosis and/or anemia were using Oxymetholone too. Nowadays, Oxymetholone is most popular for helping patients suffering from HIV/AIDS wasting syndrome.

Nonetheless, Anadrol is nowadays having even more popularity in bodybuilding rather than medical settings, despite its FDA approval status. It’s a cheaper alternative to Dianabol that is offering even more results.

Anadrol vs Dianabol

A lot of people are wondering which oral bulking steroid they should go for considering that both are orals and both are popular and immensely helpful steroids for bulking cycles. But when comparing Anadrol vs Dbol, it’s important to understand that although Anadrol is more powerful, it’s more likely to cause side effects. That is likely to be worse too.

  • Anadrol is twice as powerful as Dianabol when it comes to packing on mass and strength. But most people who use Anadrol are those who are searching for as much power, strength, and muscle with little regard to side effects. 

Therefore, with Anadrol, you’re going to be stronger and bigger than with Dianabol. But you’re going to be more bloated, with more water retention and more puffiness. That’s why Anadrol is a steroid for powerlifters that makes you super strong and massive that doesn’t really care about water retention and bloating.

So, most people go for Dianabol for bulking as it helps you pack on muscle mass and strength and won’t make you look as bloated. But there’s just no better steroid than Anadrol when it comes to bulking up and gaining massive amounts of strength and mass fast.

Anadrol – Oxymetholone Profile

Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). However, it’s completely different from all other DHT derivatives that are mostly cutting steroids. That’s why all other DHT derivatives are commonly cutting steroids (such as Anavar – Oxandrolone, Winstrol – Stanozolol, and Primobolan – Methenolone), while Anadrol – Oxymetholone is mostly a bulking steroid.

You cannot get lean on Anadrol despite the fact that it doesn’t aromatize into estrogen (since it’s DHT) and it’s not progestin. However, it still somehow binds to estrogen receptors and stimulates them. Therefore, it’s very likely to increase estrogenic activity. Therefore, it’s very likely to cause estrogenic issues.

The problem is that you can’t control them as you normally would with other steroids that aromatize and increase estrogen. With Oxymetholone, estrogen levels do not increase, but you do get estrogenic issues. Therefore, traditional Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) such as Arimidex (Anastrozole) or Aromasin (Exemestane) are useless as they just lower estrogen.

You can only control gynecomastia (man’s boobs) with the help of SERM Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) because it doesn’t lower estrogen but binds to estrogen receptors in the breasts. Therefore, it won’t help with other estrogenic issues but can prevent gynecomastia.

You also need to know that Oxymetholone is having an extremely poor ability to bind to androgen receptors (like most other DHT steroids). It possesses a very high anabolic activity strength with lower androgenic activity strength.


Oxymetholone Side Effects

So, Oxymetholone (Anadrol) is a hardcore oral steroid that is capable to help you bulk up a lot and really fast. It helps you pack on muscle mass, strength, and size like no other steroid would. However, you may have noticed that it’s full of side effects too. That’s why, I strongly recommend being careful with this steroid, otherwise side effects can be really bad.

Remember that it includes the estrogenic side effects that you can’t control with Aromatase Inhibitors (AI) with the exception of gynecomastia. This means that you can’t control a bloated face, high blood pressure (hypertension), or water retention. You can do it only by adjusting dosage and watching your diet and workout plans.

  • Other side effects include traditional androgenic side effects such as acne, oily skin, aggression, and hair loss. It can also cause headaches and lower back pumps and cramps. Also, as with any other steroid, women are very likely to develop virilization issues. I wouldn’t really recommend Oxymetholone to women in the first place. Men would experience lower natural testosterone production too. So a PCT plan is very important.

But usually, Oxymetholone (Anadrol) is a steroid that goes with an injectable steroid during the cycle, at the beginning of the cycle. So you start Anadrol with injectable steroid(s) and PCT is long after you stop using Anadrol.

Also, one of the nastiest Anadrol (Oxymetholone) side effects is liver toxicity. This steroid is going to increase liver enzyme and can do it to dangerous levels. Because of this, Anadrol is also capable of causing nasty cholesterol and cardiovascular issues too! Monitor cholesterol values and the cardiovascular system very closely!


How to Administer Anadrol?

Most commonly, Oxymetholone comes in the form of oral tablets. While there is an injectable Oxymetholone version, it’s very unpopular. That’s because it has no advantages over pills but the administration route is significantly less pleasant.

Anadrol has a half-life of about 9 hours. That’s why it’s best to split the daily dosage into AM and PM results (twice a day). This is going to ensure stable blood levels and therefore, maximum results.

Most Anadrol (Oxymetholone) tablets come in the form of 50 mg strength. Considering that it’s a very poor idea to start with any higher dosage – you need to split the tablet and use one half in the morning and the other in the evening. Dosages for men can be lower such as 25 mg a day (half a tablet) or up to about 100 mg a day (two full tablets). I suggest starting with a lower dosage and then gradually increasing it as you have more experience and knowledge of this steroid.

Anadrol cycle length ranges between 4 and 8 weeks. 6 weeks is the most common cycle length. Usually, it’s a part of a bulking steroid cycle that goes with Testosterone with or without Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone) and/or Equipoise (Boldenone). Usually, Oxymetholone goes the first weeks out of the longer cycle (bodybuilders use injections for about 12-16 weeks).

Anadrol (Oxymetholone) in this scenario works like a kick starter of the cycle.

Example of a very serious bulking cycle:

  • 14 weeks with Testosterone Cypionate 600 mg per week, Deca Durabolin 400 mg per week, Equipoise 500 mg per week, and the first 6 weeks 50 mg per day of Oxymetholone.

I DON’T recommend this cycle to beginners – it’s way too powerful! 

In The End



It’s important to understand that Oxymetholone is an extremely powerful steroid. While it’s very convenient to use (as oral tablets) and it’s highly effective for bulking cycles (but not for cutting) – you need to be aware of its side effects and how to use it correctly to avoid them.

This is the best bulking steroid on the market, but it’s also one of the harshest in terms of side effects.

In the end, if you’re sure you can “take the shot” then buy Anadrol for sale from HGH.to for the best quality Oxymetholone that would ensure maximum efficacy and the least side effects. 

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