Anadrol Cycle

Anadrol cycle is perfect for those who search to pack on muscle mass and gain strength fast. However, it’s such a powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid that I wouldn’t recommend an Anadrol cycle to people who do not have experience with steroids.

In fact, Anadrol is among the most powerful steroids on the market. On top of that, it comes as oral pills.

Despite the fact that there’s an injectable version of Oxymetholone (the active substance in Anadrol), most people think of Anadrol pills when thinking of this steroid. That’s because injection has no advantage over pills (still liver toxic) and is harder to administer, obviously.

Moreover, despite Anadrol having FDA approval for medical settings (where doctors prescribe it for the treatment of various health conditions), Anadrol is mostly popular for bodybuilding purposes. That’s because an Anadrol cycle is likely to offer mind blowing results.

Those who use Anadrol report gaining about 20 lbs and adding about 10-20% of their maximum lifts. That’s where you were benching 300 lbs maximum, with the Anadrol cycle, you could bench 330-360 lbs. Of course, the results of an Anadrol cycle greatly depend on your nutrition plan and workout schedule too.

But assuming you’re having a great exercise plan and diet, Anadrol would greatly help you add a lot of muscles and strength.

Anadrol Administration During Cycle

As mentioned earlier, Anadrol is very popular in the form of tablets. Most of the tablets are coming in the form of 50 mg. This is the reason why this steroid is often called Anadrol 50 or short – A50. But many also tend to call it Abombs and that’s because Anadrol pills are “bombs”. They are working extremely powerful and fast! 

Oxymetholone is having a very high activity with oral administration. It’s by far one of the most potent orally active anabolic steroids currently available on the market. The compound remains highly bioactive even after passing through the liver.

In the end, to ensure maximum safety during the Anadrol cycle, make sure you follow the administration guidelines.


Anadrol has a half-life of 5-9 hours. This means that it’s best to split the total daily dosage into at least two even halves. If you run 50 mg/day, then better split it into 25 mg twice a day. Some use it once daily, but it won’t be enough to maintain stable levels of Oxymetholone in blood.


Pro-Anadrol-Beligas-1Keep in mind that Anadrol is liver toxic. That’s why I strongly recommend adding liver cleansing and protective supplements. Go for whatever works better for you. Some examples of such supplements are:

  • NAC
  • LIV 52
  • Milk Thistle
  • N2Guard
  • and others

It’s also important to understand that although Oxymetholone is likely to cause high estrogen symptoms (water retention, gynecomastia, bloating, and others), Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) are ineffective. That’s because Anadrol doesn’t convert into estrogen. It directly binds to estrogen receptors. So, you can only control gynecomastia with Nolvadex (tamoxifen).

Moreover, it’s important to prepare a PCT plan after each Anadrol cycle due to testosterone suppression. 

Anadrol Dosage

Anadrol dosage during the cycle is different depending mainly on your goals, experience, and tolerance level.

  • In rare cases, people use Anadrol for cutting cycles, but generally in doses of 25 mg/day and rarely in doses up to 50 mg/day.
  • Nonetheless, for bulking cycles, Anadrol dosage ranges between 50 mg and 100 mg per day.

Some bodybuilders opt for even higher doses of 150 mg and even 200 mg a day, but that’s a dosage I wouldn’t ever recommend. Doses over 100 mg/day greatly increase the chances of side effects (you’re likely to experience side effects at even lower doses), and they offer little to no further benefits.

Beginners usually opt for doses of 25-50 mg/day and I don’t recommend starting at any higher dosage. Only people with enough experience searching for bulking cycles can run 75-100 mg per day.

Anadrol Cycle Length

Oxymetholone (Anadrol) is liver toxic. This means that the higher the dosage and the longer the cycle length – the more likely it is going to cause liver toxicity. In fact, that’s true about any other side effect that it can offer. This is the reason why I strongly recommend keeping Anadrol cycles under 8 weeks. In fact, even 8 weeks is too long for most people.

That’s why the most common Anadrol cycle lengths are 4-6 weeks.

Beginners would find that 4-6 weeks is going to be enough for them to yield awesome results. Anything over 8 weeks greatly increases the risks of side effects that are likely to exacerbate. Do not abuse Anadrol in terms of cycle length nor in terms of dosage you use per day.


Anadrol Cycles and Stacks

People who have experience with Anadrol suggest that the best way to stack Anadrol is with injectable, slow acting anabolic steroids. Such a stack is going to help you yield amazing mass and strength gain.

I do not recommend stacking it with other orally active steroids because of liver toxicity. Doing so would likely put too much stress on your liver.

Most commonly, it stacks very well with other bulking injectable steroids such as any esterified Testosterone (in fact, I recommend Testosterone in all steroid cycles, including Anadrol cycles), Deca Durabolin, or Trenbolone.

Anadrol in such scenarios is going to work as a “kick starter” of the bulking and strength gaining cycles. However, some people start to use it at the end of the cycle (better said, in the middle of a cycle towards the end). That’s going to help them deal with a plateau in gains. This helps them end their cycle on a strong note.

  • As said, the Anadrol cycle is 4-8 weeks. However, you can continue using other injectable steroids (Testosterone, Trenbolone, and/or Nandrolone) beyond that point.

Anadrol Cycle Examples

Some people still choose to run a solo Anadrol cycle. I wouldn’t recommend doing so, but if you do it, run it for 4-6 weeks at 50 mg/day. Usually, novice users attempt such cycles.

A way more common way of using the Anadrol cycle is Testosterone with Anadrol. Perhaps the best duo stack for gaining muscle mass and strength. 

It can be Testosterone Enanthate 400 mg/week for 10-12 weeks with Anadrol for the first 6-8 weeks (or in the middle of the cycle) at a dosage of 50-75 mg/day. Or Testosterone Propionate and Anadrol both at 50-75 mg/day for 6-8 weeks for an even faster bulking cycle.


People with a lot of experience, however, run Anadrol cycles stacked with Testosterone and one or multiple other steroids. By far the most common plan goes with Deca Durabolin. But it is sometimes Trenbolone or even both.

Example of a very powerful bulking cycle for men:

  • Week 1-14 Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate 600 mg per week stacked with Deca Durabolin 400 mg per week. If you plan a PCT plan (instead of TRT or cruising), continue using Testosterone for one more week in a 300 mg/week dosage because it flushes out slower than Deca Durabolin.
  • Week 1-6 (or week 9-14) Anadrol 50-100 mg/day (depending on how you tolerate it).

After whichever cycle, prepare a proper Post Cycle Therapy plan. Have Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) handy in case you experience gynecomastia. Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) won’t be helpful with Anadrol (but would still remain helpful in reducing estrogen that other steroids increase) because Oxymetholone doesn’t aromatize. It binds directly to estrogen receptors. That’s why you can’t control estrogen issues specifically from Anadrol except for gynecomastia with Nolvadex.

Also, always run liver protection with Anadrol, at least during the entire time you run Anadrol.


There are a lot of different ways you could run an Anadrol cycle, but in whichever case, do it carefully. Anadrol is an extremely powerful steroid and abusing it is never a good idea because it’s very likely to cause side effects.

Anadrol cycle is highly effective only when you’re doing everything right. If you abuse it or do not have a correct workout plan and a proper diet plan – you are unlikely to get the expected results.

Oxymetholone is just boosting the efficacy of your exercises and nutrition. Moreover, it’s extremely important to get high quality Oxymetholone. If you use lower quality Anadrol – you’re likely to experience more side effects and less benefits from the cycle. Some scammers sell products such as Anadrol without containing Oxymetholone at all (or mixed with other substances). Of course, this is a big risk.


  • To buy the best quality Anadrol uses We supply a big variety of anabolic steroids and we could help you determine the best Anadrol cycle for you and your goals!


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