We’ve always discussed HGH, suggesting how to use it and what it does, nonetheless, we’ve never discussed ways to increase HGH naturally. I must warn you that increasing HGH naturally will never reach the level that you can reach with HGH injections. Moreover, you definitely won’t increase HGH levels naturally as fast as you can increase with HGH injections. Lastly, there’s a chance that the ways of increasing HGH naturally simply won’t work, and you’d need HGH injections. That’s especially true if you had some issues with your pituitary gland, or especially had surgery on it.
- But assuming that you’re a fairly healthy individual and you may want to try some ways to increase HGH naturally before resorting to HGH injections, then this is the right article for you.
So, regardless of how you do it, increasing HGH is extremely important if you live with low HGH levels. Growth hormone plays a crucial role in our bodies, without which you just can’t live a normal, healthy life, let alone grow muscle and build an athletic physique. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced by the pituitary gland and it contributes to the growth and repair of cells, meaning that it is vital for body composition (muscle growth). In fact, it is crucial for your metabolism, fat loss, cognitive functions, and so on. HGH has a lot of different uses and it is vital for your body!
It helps sculpt your body composition, muscle mass growth, strength, and exercise performance and supports your body’s recovery from injury, disease, workouts, and so on. Here we are going to take a closer look at how to boost HGH levels naturally. Yet, if these methods fail and your natural HGH levels don’t increase, you can always use HGH injections to increase the levels.
What if growth hormone production is low?
Individuals with low HGH production will notice a decrease in the quality of their life and likely gain fat, while reducing muscle, prone to illness, and so on. Your growth hormone levels are important all around, even for your sleep quality, skin, hair, nails, and so on. But they are especially crucial when you want to lose body fat, grow lean muscle, and recover from an injury or workout during strength training. Having this said, it is no wonder that athletes and bodybuilders are searching for ways to increase their HGH naturally (or with the help of injections).
These are just some examples of side effects of the pituitary gland not producing enough human growth hormone. Besides decreasing your quality of life and decreasing your ability to achieve any physique and performance enhancement goals by increasing your risk of disease, contributing towards weight gain, and lowering your ability to gain muscle, you can also experience numerous other side effects such as anxiety and depression, less stamina and ability to exercise, reduced bone density, fatigue, and so on.
As such, it comes as no surprise that people with low life quality often tend to suffer from low HGH levels. Also, it comes as no surprise that lots of sportsmen search for ways to boost HGH levels. Again, it could be through various ways to increase HGH naturally or via synthetic HGH injections.
As said, keep in mind that you won’t ever be able to increase HGH levels as much and as fast as you can with HGH injections. In fact, you must be careful with HGH injections because if you use too large a dosage, it could lead to too high HGH-related side effects. Some examples include: carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and tingling of the skin, nerve, muscle, or joint pain, and others.
You are unlikely to experience any of these side effects as long as you use HGH in normal dosages, just to keep it within the normal (but usually upper) range.
In fact, a lot of people with medical issues require synthetic HGH injections. Some examples are those who suffer from:
- Turner’s syndrome
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- Chronic kidney disease
- HGH deficiency or insufficiency
- Children born small for gestational age
- Short bowel syndrome
- Pituitary tumors or other issues
- Muscle-wasting disease associated with HIV/AIDS
FDA approved the use of human growth hormones in children and adults suffering from such conditions. Nonetheless, lots of people use it to decrease body fat, boost lean body mass, and rocket their performance in the gym. Moreover, growth hormones also come with some anti-aging properties. Usually, such people do not suffer from low HGH levels, so you must be careful with HGH injections to avoid their side effects, and still get the benefits.
But as said, some people want to try natural ways to increase their HGH naturally first. If you’re among them, check it below.
How to Increase HGH Naturally?
Keep in mind that HGH injections are only likely to cause side effects if you use them in too large a dosage, causing an overabundance of this hormone in the body. When you use it normally, side effects are very unlikely to occur. Yet, when you go for ways to increase HGH naturally, they won’t ever go over the limit. In fact, unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that these methods will help increase HGH naturally. But as said, if you’re a healthy individual who wants to try, then check below the tips that will help your pituitary gland produce more HGH naturally.
Lose body fat
If you are concerned about growth hormone deficiency, then the amount of belly fat that you have could be the reason for that. According to research, people with higher levels of belly fat may be stunting HGH release from the pituitary gland. Moreover, their levels of HGH are overall lower in their bloodstream. This works as a spiral that goes downwards as it may make you gain even more fat. As said, low HGH levels will also increase the risk of disease and come with other side effects. If you lose body fat, you’d also increase HGH, which will help… lose body fat. And offer numerous other benefits.
Studies suggest that people with 3x the amount of belly fat as another group had less than half their amount of HGH. That study suggests there’s a huge decline in human growth hormone among those with lots of abdominal fat. It comes as no surprise that people who inject HGH (and increase their levels fast and to a great level) tend to lose belly fat much more easily.
Try intermittent fasting
There are studies proving that people will significantly boost their growth hormone production when they start fasting. According to research, people can increase their levels by a whopping 300% in 3 days of fasting. After one week, the increase in HGH skyrockets up to 1,250%!
Why is intermittent fasting so helpful for secreting higher HGH levels? Well, first because fasting helps reduce body fat (as said earlier, body fat can lower HGH release). Second, because it will help keep your insulin levels low for most of the day. When your insulin levels spike (after you eat something), it directly affects the secretion of growth hormone. Note, however, that fasting continuously is not sustainable long term. You need to learn how to do it correctly and efficiently.
Reduce your sugar intake
As said earlier, you will need to lose body fat and you will increase HGH levels. If you want to lose body fat, you need to reduce your sugar intake. Reducing sugar intake itself also helps boost HGH naturally. In short, you must eat less sugar. Generally, you must take a closer look at your diet and lifestyle choices. But sugar is among the most important elements to exclude as it has the power to spike insulin levels over the roof. Refined carbs also have a huge effect on your insulin levels. It would be best to reduce both of these to boost your HGH naturally.
Keep in mind that too much sugar and carbs won’t only lower your growth hormones, likely leading to deficiency and all the issues associated with it, but increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, weight gain, and numerous other issues. You can still have some sugar foods and drinks occasionally, but it should be only every once in a while. Having an overall healthy diet while having only occasional self-indulgence won’t keep permanent low HGH levels and it will lead to a huge improvement in your overall health, hormones, and body composition.
Don’t eat a lot before bed
Your pituitary gland releases most growth hormones at night. Part of the reason is that the majority of meals will spike your insulin levels, and this keeps HGH levels at bay. That’s why, if you want your gland to release most of this hormone at night, you need to avoid eating a lot right before heading to bed. Doing so will hinder the release of HGH.
If you eat a high-carb or high-fat meal too close to bedtime, you will potentially block some of the HGH release at night (as said, the time when it gets mostly released). You can still eat some high-protein snacks (but not too much) and you are still likely to get normal growth hormone production, but definitely avoid eating too much before going to bed.
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
The interesting thing about HGH and gym is that the more HGH you have, the better results you get in the gym. But it also works the other way around – the better you perform in the gym, the more HGH you get. This is also an effect that works in a spiral, but upward. Studies suggest that high intensity exercise will help increase HGH naturally.
Having this said, it is important to pay attention to the type of exercise you do because it does matter. Not only the type but the intensity too. In fact, what you eat around the workout and your body’s natural traits will all play a role here. In the end, running on the treadmill will benefit your weight loss, body weight, reduction of belly fat, and improvement in HGH levels, but HIIT is likely to help even more!
Get lots of rest (and sleep)
As said earlier, HGH is released by your pituitary gland in pulses, mostly as you sleep. Therefore, optimizing your sleep quality is crucial for boosting HGH naturally. Enhanced sleep quality will enhance growth hormone levels, crucial for injury recovery and cell repair. Studies suggest that the largest pulses occur before midnight and it slowly decreases, with smaller releases happening early in the morning.
This is part of the reason why going to sleep early and waking up early is crucial for a healthy HGH level and for quality overall sleep. Poor sleep will reduce the amount of HGH your body (pituitary gland) produces. There are various ways that can help you improve the quality of your sleep, such as reducing caffeine 6 hours before going to sleep, avoiding blue light before going to sleep, getting a comfortable temperature in the bedroom, making it completely dark, going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day among other methods.
Use an arginine supplement
Studies show that arginine, regardless if taken in the form of a natural supplement or via diet, has the ability to increase HGH levels. This amino acid is very popular as a supplement that can support exercising among various sportsmen. There is some research suggesting that it may have little to no effects on important thyroid hormones. However, some claim that increasing the levels of arginine (with supplements or foods) may help boost HGH levels.
Why are studies contradictory? Because there was another study where it showed that participants on a lower dose of arginine had almost no real effect. However, those participants using a higher dose had an increase in growth hormone levels by about 60% during their sleep. This proves that higher doses of arginine are necessary to improve HGH naturally. They actually may work, but not when taken around exercise, but rather when going to sleep.
Use beta-alanine supplement (around the time you workout)
Your body releases HGH during your workouts to deal with the stresses of training and to aid recovery. Therefore, studies suggest that taking a beta-alanine to support your workouts will also help increase your HGH levels short term.
Using 4.8 grams of beta-alanine before training will increase the repetitions by approximately 22%. It also proves that peak power almost doubles and HGH levels increase (compared to the non-supplement group). Having this said, it is not surprising that beta-alanine is becoming more and more popular as a pre-workout supplement.
Try a GABA supplement
Another amino acid that you could try which could help increase HGH naturally is GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid). This is a non-protein amino acid that works to send signals around your brain. Interestingly enough, a GABA supplement is often used to help with a good night’s sleep, as it calms your brain and central nervous system. The better the sleep quality – the more likely you’d get an optimal HGH release.
But besides improving your sleep quality (which already has the potential to increase HGH levels), it seems that it can help increase HGH naturally by itself. Some research suggests that GABA’s effects on HGH levels are not huge and short-lived. However, using such a supplement for a deeper sleep will still benefit your growth hormone levels.
Try melatonin supplement
The popularity of melatonin significantly increases, acting as a sleep aid for a lot of people. As said here, the quality (and quantity) of sleep is directly related to the levels of HGH. Since melatonin increases the quality and duration of your sleep, it will also support the increase of HGH naturally.
In fact, it won’t only enhance your sleep (leading to better rest each night), but studies suggest that it may directly enhance your HGH levels. It is best to take 1-5 mg for about 30 minutes before going to sleep.
Nothing Helps to Increase HGH Naturally? Use HGH.to!
As you can see, there are different supplements that are thought to be helpful when it comes to increasing HGH naturally. But there are various problems – besides the fact that each of these supplements are expensive (especially if you try all of them at once), there’s no guarantee that they will actually work to increase your growth hormone levels. Even if some increase may occur, often it is not enough to see any significant benefits. Whether it is worth giving it a try or not – it is up to you.
Nonetheless, in case you’ve tried all these methods and you still can’t increase HGH naturally, then it may be the perfect time for you to try HGH.to! By now you’ve learned how important human growth hormone really is. If you suffer from HGH insufficiency or deficiency, it is definitely not worth waiting anymore. There’s no need to go for extreme measures to enhance your HGH levels and there’s no need to wait anymore, suffering from low HGH side effects.
You can go for HGH.to as we offer the best quality HGH products for the best prices. That’s especially important because HGH injections can be pretty pricey, but we work with the best manufacturers and we provide the best prices. With its help, you can enhance your time in the gym and enjoy the high growth hormone levels benefits: fire up fat burning effects and build muscle much faster and easier!