Trying To Shred Belly Fat?

Belly fat or “love handles” as many of us are referring to, is something that most of us dream of getting rid of. And that’s something that most of us struggle with. It’s one very tricky question: how to shred belly fat? An excess of body fat is extremely annoying and, unfortunately, it has a lot of power. It has a huge visual power on our physique and it has a huge power to pop up whenever it likes.

A lot of people are trying to shred belly fat. But it’s extremely important to understand that we are not able to target specific body parts to shed fat. Although it is a very popular myth – we cannot. We can only lose overall body fat. And shredding overall fat will help slim your midsection too.

Please, do not make the mistake of thinking that you would be able to lose only belly fat. You have to focus on losing overall fat, and this is going to help you get rid of the fat around your waistline. Now, if you want to learn how to shred belly fat, or better said how to lose fat, you need to learn how you can do that in the best possible way. Let’s start step by step.

Prepare Your Body For Shredding The Fat

As simple as it may sound, the first thing that you need to do is to actually prepare your body for shredding the fat. And by saying this, I should point out that it is going to take a little more than just some exercises to “cut through” those love handles. While exercises are extremely important, the key here is also to be in a calorie deficit by controlling your diet. To create that calorie deficit you also need to get your body moving, that’s why never underestimate the power of getting exercise. But then again, to actually see that fat melting away, you need to create a calorie deficit for your body.


It’s essential to understand that a calorie deficit is actually the most important thing when it comes to fat loss. But still, when it comes to losing weight and shredding belly fat, there are a lot of factors that play a huge role in that. Some of those factors are:

  • Body type
  • Your gender
  • Age
  • Your genetics
  • Medical conditions
  • Medications
  • And there are others as well


Overall, strength training and cardio exercise are also going to greatly contribute to your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). As you can guess, strength training and cardio will burn those calories. But if you’re also going to reduce the calorie intake through a good diet, it will create the gap even further that will contribute to fat loss.

Calories and Fat

Overall, there is no real way to predict fat loss, however, you can gain a general idea from the 3,500 calorie statement. It indicates that a pound of fat is approximately 3,500 calories. This means that for every 3,500 calorie deficit that you create (or around it), you would lose approximately one pound of fat.

By following this specific rule, if you were to create a calorie deficit of 500 per day, it means that you should be losing one pound per week. Of course, as you can guess, if you were to create a 1,000 calorie deficit per week, that is going to make you lose two pounds a week. Some people love to have a “cheat day”. While I don’t recommend it for beginners (you should get your body on the right path), even if you do follow a “one cheat day per week” schedule but are in a 1,000 calorie deficit 6 days a week, and 1,000 calories above the maintenance one day, it creates 5,000 calorie deficit per week. It means that you will lose slightly more than one pound a week. In the end, I guess you got the idea.

As said, we are not able to target areas, we lose overall fat, rather than only belly fat. Nonetheless, that calorie deficit will create fat loss and some of it is still going to come from your waist and hips.

Increase Your Cardio Sessions

Cardio is very important during the process of shredding belly fat because it leads to calorie expenditure. Any type of cardio is going to help you burn fat from all over your body. That includes fat from your midsection. Even simple walking is going to be helpful. However, it is very important to understand that this greatly depends on you doing it regularly. That’s why regularly exercising is very important. Assuming that you lose 300 calories per cardio session and you have only one or two cardio sessions per week, it would only make you lose 600 calories per week. Yet doing it 6 days a week creates 1800 calories. Even then, that’s not even a pound of fat. That’s why doing cardio for only a week or two and not really seeing much or any results is normal.

Nonetheless, pumping up your cardio sessions will definitely lead to a lot of benefits in the long run. This is the reason why when you decide the types of workouts you’re going to do, you shouldn’t only take into consideration the calorie burn. You should also be opting for those exercises that you enjoy the most. This way you will stay more motivated so you can continue doing it for months and even better – years. This is essential to trim down your love handles.


As obvious as it may sound – the intensity is very important too. It’s obvious that the harder you exercise, the more calories you burn. The longer you exercise, the more calories you burn too. It’s that simple. That’s why running is better than walking. But it’s better to walk for an hour than running for just 10 minutes. It’s even better to run for one hour.

So, if you prefer to dance or kickbox to get your cardio sessions, then you should be doing it actively, intensively, and regularly. This way you will be able to keep your body burning fat. And if you’re into that kind of cardio, challenge yourself to up the intensity whenever you can to aid fat loss.

Exercises That Help Shred Belly Fat

You may have heard about the rumor (or the myth) that suggests that doing a lot of ab exercises is going to help you shed the fat around your waist. That’s why a lot of people are doing crunches without doing anything else. The problem is that those people usually do it for months or maybe even without any results. Crunches, in fact, are one of the worst types of exercises to trim down your love handles. That’s because it involves little movement meaning little calorie expenditure.

In no way I’m trying to say that crunches are not an effective type of exercise. I’m just trying to say that they will only help your abdominal muscles get stronger. It’s important to understand: that those who do a lot of ab exercises (whatever type) will only make their abdominal muscles get stronger, but they will not help shred belly fat. While ab exercises are an important part of strength training, making your abs muscles grow, your belly fat will likely remain the same. And when there’s a lot of fat covering those abs – you won’t be seeing any (or at least much) visual/physical changes.

The only way to actually say goodbye to your belly fat is to be in a calorie deficit. That’s why diet is such an important part when it comes to shedding belly fat. That’s why those types of exercises that help you burn more calories are more effective than ab exercises (which are usually not very effective for burning calories).

Strength Training

I did mention that cardio burns calories, we all know it. But it’s important to understand that strength training does it too. That’s because strength training still helps you keep your heart rate up. Moreover, building muscle mass will boost your metabolism. Additionally, your body is going to spend some energy to build muscle and uphold it. That’s why strength training helps you lose calories and therefore burn fat even when you’re resting. The whole point of it is that if you want to get more out of your workout sessions, I strongly recommend adding some weight exercises too. While cardio alone may help and strength training alone may help too, combining them is the best way of achieving your goals.

Compound Exercises

Also, compound exercises are among the best exercises that you could do in the gym (or at home) in order to help minimize love handles. They are awesome for your goals because they use more than just one muscle group at a time. This means that you will activate more muscle fibers inside your body. This will lead to a greater and more calorie burn.

So, let’s get a little bit closer to some of those compound exercises that will help you shred belly fat highly efficiently. These are the ones that I would recommend for you to use yourself as long as you really want to see the process of shredding belly fat get going and offer results.


  • Hold a dumbbell on one end at chest height with both your hands.
  • Keep your feet at hip-width apart. The toes should be facing forward or slightly turned out.
  • Remember that you need to engage your core and keep your chest tall. Push your hips back and sink down into a squat. Remember to keep your back in the proper position. When you go down, you will want to go low enough so your upper legs will be parallel to the floor. Or if not, as low as you can go.
  • Then, go up. Push through all parts of your feet in order to return back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for as long as you can.


  • Start lunge by holding a dumbbell in each hand. It can be either at your sides or up by your shoulders.
  • Have a step forward a few feet with your left foot.
  • Lower yourself into a lunge position until your knees are reaching a bending of 90 degrees. At this point, your right knee should be just above the ground. At the same time, your left knee is stacked over your ankle.
  • Obviously, you should push through your left foot back to the starting position. I recommend holding the move for a moment before you push.
  • Repeat it for 10-15 times or for as long as you can.
  • Obviously, switch legs and repeat the same exercise with your right leg.


  • Deadlift is one of the most famous exercise types out there because it involves most muscles in your body. Get yourself a barbell and have it on an elevated platform in order to reduce the range of motion.
  • Then, step up to the bar so your shins are almost touching it. Stand with your feet firm at the hip-width apart. It’s very important to keep your back straight and chest up. Also, keep your shoulders back and down.
  • Move from the hips, soften your knees, and then sink low enough to grasp the bar with both hands. Grab it shoulder-width apart.
  • You’re ready, but before you continue, I strongly recommend checking everything, especially your posture. Make sure your shoulders are in the proper position, your chest is open, and especially that you have a straight spine.
  • Engage your core in order to keep your position, then push your feet onto the floor and lift the bar.
  • Lift your chest and engage your lats in order to keep the bar in front of your hips.
  • With a proper posture, reverse the motion in order to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat.


  • You can start off in a high-plank position. While in the position, keep your glutes and core engaged. For the correct form, your shoulders need to be over your wrists while your hips are in line from head to heel.
  • From this position, bend at the elbows so you should have a 45 degree angle at your torso. Lower your entire body to the ground.
  • In the time that you’re lowering yourself down, you should be squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • As soon as you notice that your chest is hovering just above the ground (or however fat you can go), push your shoulders apart, press into the ground, and return back to start.
  • Repeat it for 10-20 times or as much as you can.


  • Stand with your arms by your sides and your feet apart at shoulder width.
  • Keep your back straight and bend your knees which helps your butt drop down into a squat.
  • Reach out with your hands while you place them on the floor in front of you at the shoulder width apart.
  • From this position, kick your feet back to get into a high plank position and then lower both your chest and belly down to the floor (lie down on the floor).
  • Next, you should press through your hands in order to push your body back up and jump your feet in, making sure that they are going to land wider than your hands.
  • Press through your heels in order to stand whilst lifting your hands jumping straight up and reaching your arms up.
  • Then simply land gently and immediately go into the starting position for the next rep.

Compound exercises that you can perform at a high intensity, whether it means that you’re lifting some heavy weights or only having some very small rests in between sets, would greatly encourage EPOC which stands for Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption.

The human body is expending energy to repair, recover, and return to its normal state after a period of intense exercise. As said earlier, this all means that your body is still going to be burning calories even after you have finished your workout. It’s kind of like “burning calories while resting”.

But one more great benefit that you would surely love to find out about compound exercises is that they also enhance your abdominal muscles. Again, if there’s a lot of fat covering ab muscles, you won’t see them. But if you do not have any abdominal muscles, you won’t see them either, obviously. Yet, if you have strong abdominal muscles and there’s little fat – you will have a great looking midsection.

Overall, once you’ve worked out a lot and made sure you’ve burnt a lot of calories, you’ll see those love handles go and strongly revealing abs, revealing a toned waistline.

The Bottom Line

In the end, as much as you may notice, consistency is everything. Because of all these reasons, one workout is definitely not going to fix your belly fat problem. As said earlier, it is going to require regular exercise in order for you to finally see those abs revealed. But this is the reason why you often hear that abs are actually revealed in the kitchen.

Some people create that calorie deficit even without working out. Although this is harder and requires more time, it is still possible to shred belly fat only through diet. But in fact, it almost doesn’t matter how much, how often, and how intensively you’re working out – without a correct diet you won’t see those abs.

Again, shedding belly fat involves creating a calorie deficit. Exercise helps reduce those calories. But if you don’t eat right (eating too many calories) the love handles won’t go anywhere.

In Addition…

Also, this all means that there is not a really strict number of workouts that you should have in your week. It is just that doing as much as you possibly can will greatly help. Aim at least 3 times a week, but then again – the more, the longer, and the more intensively you do it – the better.

Keep in mind that we are all having different lives, different commitments, different goals, different body types, and so on and so forth. While some people are only able to stick to two gym sessions per week, others can do it daily. While some can do two hour gym sessions without any issues, others may only be able to squeeze a 45-minute workout into their lunch break. What really matters is that you continue exercising and create a routine that works for you – the one that keeps you in a calorie deficit.

Get Ripped With

Now, with all of this knowledge, I’m pretty sure that you will have no issues melting those love handles and finally see those abs revealing.

In the end, regardless if this is your goal or maybe there is something else, is here for you. We have a lot of products that help you get the most out of your exercises and diet. Those are anabolic steroids that are 100% high quality which will absolutely help you get shredded, build muscle, and cut fat. For example, we have Human Growth Hormone (HGH) that is very popular for helping users burn fat specifically at midsection (because of the way it works).

We also have a lot of other weight loss compounds that will definitely help you shred belly fat. Liothyronine T3, Clenbuterol, HGH, and anabolic steroids are all extremely helpful in helping you achieve the body that you want by reducing midsection fat and gaining muscle. The HGH team can also help you learn the best way to use those high quality Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) so you can run a cycle with zero side effects and get the best results out of it. The best results without compromising your health and without spending money unnecessarily.


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