Dbol Side Effects

Dianabol is one of the best steroids for packing on size but we’re mostly going to focus on Dbol side effects in this article. While everyone knows that Dianabol (Dbol) is extremely effective for bodybuilding since it’s perhaps the most popular oral steroid, a lot of people are tempted to use it for bulking up and gaining muscle and strength. Yet, before you actually do that, you should research Dbol side effects as much as possible because except for the positive aspects, it may negatively affect you.

  • By learning about those side effects, you know what to expect and most importantly, you can learn how to avoid or control them. If you’re interested in learning more about Dianabol, you could research it on our site and you’re sure to find lots of helpful articles about it. 

But in this review, we are going to share the risks associated with this steroid and the side effects associated with the use of Dbol.

What is Dianabol (Dbol)?

DianabolBefore we share the side effects of Dbol, let’s check what this compound is. Dianabol (many people call it shortly Dbol) is the most popular brand name for the active substance (chemical) Methandrostenolone (AKA Methandienone). It may come as other brand names, but Dianabol (Dbol) is by far the most popular.

Methandrostenolone – Methandienone is an orally active anabolic and androgenic steroid. It is a highly aromatizable steroid (which converts into estrogen in the body) with moderate androgenic activity and high anabolic properties. Since it’s an oral steroid, it has a short half-life meaning that it offers fast results.

It is extremely effective at growing muscles, packing on size, gaining strength, and generally improving your physique and performance. It’s the first oral steroid that became popular in the bodybuilding world. Lots of old-school bodybuilders were using Dbol for their goals. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a prime example of what Dbol can help you gain as he admitted to using steroids and Dbol seems the most probable steroid he used alongside others.


Of course, to achieve a physique and performance at least anywhere similar to that of Arnold Schwarzenegger you’ve got to have great genetics and to have an impeccable diet and workout plan. But it just proves that Dianabol plays an important role in all of this.

Dianabol Benefits Vs Side Effects

Many consider Dbol the ultimate bulking steroid. It will offer rapid gains, you will notice it working almost immediately when you start using it. Your strength will spike through the roof and the muscles will blow up, all really fast. Most users suggest that you can expect to add about 20 lbs of mass in the first cycle on Dianabol.

But, while there are other more oral powerful steroids for bulking cycles, Dianabol still remains the most popular oral steroid because it’s also fairly moderate in side effects. It allows users to use Dianabol and yield amazing benefits without nasty side effects. This means that Dbol will not only help you become big, but it is also not going to really affect your health in a negative way. At least, as long as you use it correctly.


Estrogen Dbol Side Effects

Dianabol is having a pretty decent amount of aromatase activity which means that the estrogen levels are going to increase. In fact, Dianabol is one of the most aromatizable steroids you could find. Because of the spike in estrogen levels, it obviously can cause estrogenic side effects. Especially in the most sensitive individuals.

Among estrogenic issues, we can mention gynecomastia (gyno), water retention, blood pressure, and others. These are all side effects of high estrogen levels. Of course, the higher the dosage, the higher aromatization meaning higher risk of these issues getting worse. Nonetheless, you could avoid them by controlling the use of this steroid and by using aromatase inhibitors. These drugs block the process of aromatization, reducing total levels of estrogen, thus, reducing these side effects.

Examples of Aromatase Inhibitors that people use during the cycle include Aromasin and Arimidex. Make sure you’re not overdoing them because they can crush too much estrogen, leading to low estrogenic side effects instead.


Dianabol is very likely to increase blood pressure, that’s why among Dbol side effects we should mention the possibility of suffering from hypertension. This steroid is likely to increase blood pressure in two different ways: first, it negatively impacts your cholesterol (decreases HDL and increases LDL) because of higher testosterone levels and because of its effects on your liver. Secondly, Dianabol causes you to retain water (due to a spike in estrogen and other factors). When your body retains water – blood pressure increases. When cholesterol is getting worse – blood pressure increases.

You can manage blood pressure with a proper diet, proper lifestyle, and exercise. Donating blood may be helpful. Sometimes, people resort to medications meant to lower blood pressure. But you should carefully watch out for blood pressure issues. Needless to mention the importance of maintaining normal blood pressure.

Testosterone Suppression


Dianabol, exactly like any other steroids, is going to suppress your natural testosterone production. That’s because steroids are basically male hormones and when you use them, the body stops producing testosterone naturally as a defense mechanism against too high testosterone levels.

For this reason, it’s best to stack steroids with testosterone. But regardless, I highly recommend preparing a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after each cycle of any steroids that could help sleep up the recovery of natural testosterone production. It usually involves Nolvadex, Clomid, and maybe other compounds.

You may not need a PCT only in case you’re in Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) or cruising which means that you never stop injecting testosterone. Your body basically always receives and relies on exogenous testosterone.

But when your body receives exogenous testosterone (either from testosterone, Dbol, or whatever other steroids) there’s a risk of your testicles shrinking which may lead to infertility issues and other problems. If you notice testicle shrinking, you may need to add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) too.

Liver Issues

Dianabol (Dbol) is an orally active steroid. As you can guess, among Dbol side effects we can mention hepatotoxicity. This means that it stresses your liver. While it may not be a problem as long as you control it, it could become a real health issue as long as you don’t. Dianabol is not the most toxic steroid to your liver, but it’s surely not the mildest either. This means that your liver enzymes will increase with the use of Dianabol. Of course, the longer you use it and the higher the dosage – the more liver enzymes will increase.

That’s why I strongly recommend keeping an eye on the dosage that you use and never using it for longer than 6-8 weeks and then giving your liver a break to recover. Moreover, it’s best to avoid using any other liver-damaging compounds while you’re using it such as alcohol or other oral steroids. You may actually use liver protection supplements that could help keep your liver healthier during the cycle.

In short, needless to mention that you should make sure your liver remains healthy. If you already have liver issues even before using Dbol – better don’t use it at all. That’s true about any other oral steroids that are C17AA and liver toxic.

After each cycle, try to give your liver some “rest”. We know that the liver is self-healing, but you should allow it to heal by giving it a break from hepatotoxic compounds. If you don’t, and abuse hepatotoxic steroids too much (like Dbol) it could lead to permanent liver damage! So keep an eye on the dosage and keep cycles short.

Androgenic Dbol Side Effects

Androgenic issues can cause a woman to develop man-like characteristics. That includes thinking, looking and even behaving like a man. It could make her grow hair on the face and/or body, shed head hair, make her very muscular, enlarge their clitoris, hoarse their voice, lead to irregular menstrual periods, and many others. These issues among women are called virilization issues. Also known as masculinization.

Although men are far not as affected by androgenic issues as women are, they may still get some side effects too. Androgenic side effects mostly affect those men that are genetically (naturally) prone to them. Dosage and cycle length of course have their roles, but if a man is not prone to hair loss (one androgenic side effect) he’s unlikely to experience it due to the use of Dbol.

Nevertheless, a man that does have this genetic trait, Dbol is likely to speed it up. So, male pattern baldness can actually occur with the use of Dianabol.

Other androgenic issues include aggression (AKA Roid Rage) and oily skin (that can lead to acne). But again, it very much has to do with your genetics. If you’re a calm person, you won’t suddenly become aggressive. But if you’re already dealing with acne, for example, you may notice it gets somewhat worse with the addition of Dianabol.

Androgenic issues affect people very differently as they have a very close connection to your genetics.


As you can see, there are various different Dbol side effects. This steroid can affect you in very different ways. If you’re prone to estrogenic issues, you’re most likely to experience gyno, water retention, and other high estrogen symptoms. But people who are not prone to estrogenic issues may not experience any of these problems while on the Dbol cycle. That’s for example.

Anyway, it’s very important to understand this compound better, how to use it, and what you can expect from using it. Both in terms of benefits and side effects. As you can see, there are various ways to avoid various Dbol side effects, you’ve got to learn them all.


We can help you with everything that you need when it comes to Dianabol, its side effects, the best way to use it, and so on and so forth. At HGH.to you could find the best way to use it so you could get the best results without getting nasty side effects.

What’s not less important – at HGH.to you can buy Dianabol for sale of the best quality. Poor quality Dbol (that’s floating on the market) is not just less likely to help you gain muscle and strength, but it’s more likely to cause side effects. That’s why it is so important to have a high quality Dianabol product. Make sure that on our site you buy the best quality steroids since we have a very scrutinized quality review. Before allowing brands on our site, we review them very closely. This means that you could buy Dbol from whichever brand you want without worries. Moreover, we make sure that you won’t overpay. We offer the most affordable prices for Dbol from whichever brand. And not only Dbol but all other PEDs as well.


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