Clenbuterol For Women

Clenbuterol for women is an amazing compound considering that it can help transform your body without the nasty side effects associated with the use of anabolic steroids. Clenbuterol is extremely popular for its ability to help you lose weight and it is actually one of the best fat burners out there. Additionally, there’s a high chance that you’ve heard of women using anabolic steroids for physique and performance enhancement, yet they have to risk their femininity as anabolic steroids can cause virilization (masculinization) issues. Virilization issues are the worst when it comes to steroids for women. Clenbuterol, on the other hand, is not an anabolic steroid, so it won’t cause such issues. Therefore, Clenbuterol for women is an amazing option for looking for physique and performance enhancement. Especially when talking about weight loss and fat burning goals.

It’s pretty obvious, however, that it does come with its own set of side effects, pretty much as any other compound out there. That’s why, women still should be careful with this powerful fat burner. While women have no risk of developing androgenic side effects such as growing facial hair, gaining the jawline of a man, enlarging the clitoris, and others, Clenbuterol comes with cardiovascular risks.

So, if you choose to use Clenbuterol, you still should be very careful with it. Nevertheless, because of no risk of virilization issues, Clenbuterol is actually among the most popular compounds for women all over the world.

In the end, in this article, we’re going to share valuable information about Clenbuterol for women.

What is Clenbuterol?

sixpex-clenpexUnlike the common misbelief, Clenbuterol is not an anabolic and androgenic steroid. USADA classified it as an anabolic agent due to its very mild anabolic-like properties. Nevertheless, it’s nowhere near the anabolic potency of steroids and it’s not a steroid in any way. Clenbuterol is actually a stimulant. Medically, it is a bronchodilator that helps patients breathe easier by opening/widening airways. Therefore, patients suffering from asthma and other breathing disorders would find Clenbuterol helpful. It is not approved by the USA FDA, yet it’s still an approved bronchodilator compound in other countries.

Clenbuterol is a beta-2 receptor agonist, therefore it is working on your Central Nervous System (CNS). That’s how it makes breathing easier, but it also works as a powerful fat burner too. That’s why it makes a popular option among bodybuilders and athletes searching for weight loss and cutting cycles. You would find a lot of people stacking it with anabolic steroids or using it alone. Clen is just an amazing compound for stripping away any excess fat and even water retention.


In short, it helps get rid of anything that is covering the muscles. Therefore, it helps you get more ripped with a harder and more defined muscle look thanks to less fat and water covering them. In whichever case, Clenbuterol will make you lose that excess fat that we all would love to see gone.

How Clenbuterol Works?

Clen is working by stimulating the adrenal glands by releasing more adrenaline. This may come with advantages and disadvantages. We may know them as benefits and side effects. For example, this is going to increase the metabolism. It stimulates the nervous system and it also binds to cells in the muscles that start the protein synthesis. It also enhances thermogenesis. This makes your body increase in body temperature. The body’s natural defense mechanism tries to cool it down. This process makes everything in your body work harder and faster, leading to more calorie expenditure. Therefore, this helps you burn more fat and lose weight. And thanks to the fact that Clen binds to those cells in the muscles, it may help you preserve more lean muscle tissues while you’re on a caloric deficit diet.

It is basically a stimulant. It enhances thermogenesis by increasing body temperature, enhances heart rate, boosts metabolism and increases oxygen transportation in the body too. This enhances the flow of oxygen in your body. That’s how you manage to burn fat easier and faster. Moreover, thanks to better oxygen transportation, the muscles are capable of working harder too. And they recover faster too. So, it also enhances performance thanks to better endurance and faster recovery. Needless to mention that it will also boost energy levels a lot.

  • So, women using clenbuterol will notice their muscles work harder and for longer before they begin to fatigue while burning fat way faster and easier and getting rid of excess water. You will notice a huge improvement in energy, endurance, and recovery as well as will be able to preserve lean muscle tissue easier too.

Clenbuterol Benefits For Women

Therefore, Clenbuterol for women is amazing both from an aesthetic and performance perspective. All of that without the risk of virilization issues. It will not touch your hormones. As you can see, it will offer a lot of benefits. Some of the key advantages of Clenbuterol for women include:


Fat Loss

Needless to mention that the most obvious benefit is fat loss. In fact, some weight loss clinics used to or still offer Clenbuterol to their patients. Because of how clenbuterol works – it has awesome fat burning and weight loss benefits. By increasing the person’s core body temperature and boosting the metabolism a woman burns calories and stored fat way faster and easier.

Performance Boost

Better performance – better physique. Better physique – better performance. Clenbuterol will help you with both. It helps boost energy, endurance, and recovery, all of which are extremely important during cutting cycles. When you’re on a cutting (weight loss), you are (or should be) on a caloric deficit diet.

This means that you take fewer calories than your body needs for maintaining its current weight. It means that your body is literally starving – it’s not getting enough calories. That’s why, it is actually normal and expectable to lack energy, to lack strength and endurance as well as hinder the recovery after training.

Clenbuterol, however, enhances recovery and endurance with an overall huge boost in energy levels. Mainly because of the boost in oxygen transportation, but there are numerous factors playing an important role in it.

Muscle Preservation

Clen is not anabolic, that’s why it will not be effective at gaining lean muscle tissue. Nevertheless, some people suggest that it could be somewhat helpful in maintaining lean muscle tissue. Considering that you’re cutting and dieting down on a caloric deficit, people usually lack energy and lose some muscle mass too.

But because of the way Clenbuterol works and binds to some receptors in the muscles responsible for protein synthesis – it helps preserve muscle. It doesn’t have anabolic effects, but it does seem to offer some slight anti-catabolic effects. Better performance (more energy, endurance, and recovery) makes better use of muscles and overall better training sessions, leading to better muscle preservation too.

Other Benefits

Those are the main Clenbuterol benefits, yet there are others as well. For example, better metabolism is a great benefit that can lead to a better immune system too. It could make you less prone to getting sick and illnesses. Moreover, Clen is not an appetite suppressant. Yet, it does have slight appetite suppression effects. This will reduce the cravings of eating junk high-calorie foods, will increase satiety after eating less food and you won’t feel as hungry and not as often. It will obviously help you with your diet plan. It can be extremely hard in caloric restriction diets.

Clenbuterol For Women Results

Clenbuterol is highly favored by everyone who wants to burn fat. Be it a professional or a beginner. Be it a man or a woman. In fact, Clenbuterol is highly popular as the compound that lots of celebrities use to achieve their dream body. Victoria Beckham and Britney Spears are just a few names among numerous others. Athletes, sportsmen, singers, actors, and lots of other celebrities use or used Clenbuterol at some point.

Women love it that much mainly because of the fact that it doesn’t affect their femininity. Women also love it as they naturally have slower metabolisms than men (generally). This is one of the reasons why they generally are predisposed to retain more fat than men and burn that fat harder.

Clenbuterol boosts metabolism. Anabolic steroids can boost it too, but women using steroids are often experiencing a deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and other man-like characteristics. Clenbuterol for weight loss and fat burning for women will do wonders, without causing any of those androgenic side effects. That’s why Clenbuterol for women is worth gold!

It can still cause side effects. Usually stimulant-related side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, and headaches among others. But if you don’t experience such issues or tolerate them well, a woman can expect to get lean with it. At least, she can lose a considerable amount of weight in the form of fat and water.

It’s obvious that the results will vary from person to person. But some fat and overall weight loss is expectable. The dosage, cycle length, and genetics (personal response) will all play a vital role in determining the final results. Needless to mention the importance of exercise and diet. So, environmental factors are just as important.

Actual Results

Again, some women have naturally faster metabolisms than others. Some have more determination and discipline than others when it comes to dieting and working out. Some women are working hard in the gym with a very strict diet, while others may not really diet only every once in a while exercising. It all can lead to very different results, of course.

Nevertheless, when it comes to numbers, it is not uncommon for women to lose anywhere between 10-20 lbs of body fat in just 4-6 weeks. Of course, the number can be even higher if the initial body fat amount is higher. It’s pretty obvious that the more fat you have, the more you can lose. It also depends on the body fat percentage too. A woman with 30% of body fat may notice bigger results than a woman with 20% of body fat. Yet, those with an already low body fat percentage might finally see the boost they require for getting results to the next level.


Clenbuterol For Women Side Effects

Clenbuterol is a stimulant. An extremely powerful stimulant. Caffeine is a stimulant too and we know that the side effects of drinking coffee are: anxiety, insomnia, tremors especially in hands (hand tremors), headaches, heart related issues, an increase in blood pressure, and so on and so forth. That’s very similar to Clenbuterol as it features pretty much the same side effects. But Clenbuterol is very powerful, so the side effects are more likely to appear and/or are more intense than with caffeine.

However, using Clenbuterol with other stimulants (such as caffeine) may exacerbate the side effects. It’s pretty obvious that the side effects depend on each person individually. Again, depending on genetics (tolerance), dosage and cycle, lifestyle (environmental factors), and others.

Some may find insomnia the worst issue, for example, others may find an increase in blood pressure among the worst issues. Some may get only one or a few. Others may get a lot or all of them. Some may find them very tolerable or not experience any, while others may find them too unbearable. It is all different from one person to another.

The good news is that Clenbuterol, as I said, has no androgenic side effects (no virilization side effects). Those women who are prone to masculinization might find Clenbuterol amazing because they avoid these issues.

Some women also report that the side effects can lower with time. But so do the benefits. The human body is getting adapted to the effects of Clenbuterol very quickly. This may reduce its efficacy in time.

Anyway, side effects that can occur are potassium depletion, sore muscles, excessive sweating, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, increase in blood pressure, heart palpitations, increase in heartbeats, other heart issues, and other side effects too.

Clenbuterol Dosage For Women

It is important to understand that there is no fixed Clenbuterol dosage. As I earlier stated, the human body quickly adapts to the effects of Clenbuterol. Therefore, you need to either constantly up the dosage every once in a while and/or stop and restart the use (so the body would “de-adapt” from its effects).

Clenbuterol dosage for women is pretty much the exact same as it is for men with little differences. The only differences could be only because women are naturally smaller than men.

Anyway, Clenbuterol dosage usually starts at 20 mcg/day and for women, it shouldn’t ever exceed 100-120 mcg/day. Do not stay on the same dosage for longer than 2 weeks straight. After being on the exact dosage for this amount of time, either stop and restart or increase the dosage.

  • NOTE! The dosage of Clenbuterol is in mcg (micrograms), rather than mg (milligrams). 1 mg = 1,000 mcg! So, there are different ways of administration.


First Method

This is one of the safest ways to administer Clenbuterol. You start with 20 mcg/day for 2 weeks and then stop for 2 weeks. Restart again. Might increase dosage when you feel comfortable. One common way is: 20 mcg/day for the first week and increase by 20 mcg/day for the second week. Stop for 2 weeks and restart at the previous dosage (40 mcg/day) for another week and then again increase by 20 mcg/day for one more week. Stop for 2 more weeks. Restart at the previous dosage (60 mcg/day for one week) and then increase. Do it until side effects are getting too much or reaching maximum dosage or reaching desired results.

Second Method

It offers faster results, but with higher chances of side effects. It is similar to the first method, but you basically do not stop using it. Start at 20 mcg/day for a week and increase by 10-20 mcg/day every 1-2 weeks. It could be: week 1-2: 20 mcg/day. Week 3-4: 40 mcg/day. Then week 5-6: 60 mcg/day; week 7-8: 80 mcg/day. Lastly, week 9-10: 100 mcg/day. Or start at 20 mcg/day for a week and increase by 10 mcg/day every week.

Third Method

The third method is the most efficient, but with the greatest chance of side effects. It involves fast increase in dosage (every few days) for experiencing very fast results. But I would only recommend it to those who previously used clenbuterol and they know what they are doing as they know how Clen works for them. It involves starting at 10-20 mcg/day and increasing the dosage by 10 mcg/day every 3 days or so. By the end of the month (30 days) you’re reaching about 100 mcg/day. It could be different though. Some choose to increase by 20 mcg/day every 3-6 days or so. Others may choose to start at 20-40 mcg/day.


There are various different ways of using Clenbuterol. Cycle can last from 4 weeks up to about 10 weeks. Some choose to start at 10 mcg/day up to 40 mcg/day. Some women choose to stack it with other compounds too. Often, they use it with Anavar (Oxandrolone). But there are more available options too such as Liothyronine Sodium (T3), Human Growth Hormone (HGH), Winstrol (Stanozolol) and others. Obviously, involving other compounds may increase the side effects and/or cause other side effects too.

Clenbuterol For Sale



Clenbuterol for women can be an amazing option to lose weight and burn fat without the risks of virilization issues. While there are other side effects you should be careful about, lots of women love the fact their femininity doesn’t have to suffer from the use of the Performance Enhancing Drug.

As long as you want to burn fat and lose weight, Clen is amazing. At least, it can be amazing as long as you use it correctly and purchase pure and high quality Clenbuterol.

At you can both learn how to use this fat burner for the best results specifically for you and most importantly – you could buy Clenbuterol for sale for the best prices. We’re the trustworthy source popular for offering the best quality products.

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