Trenbolone Side Effects

In this article, you’re going to find a lot of valuable information regarding Trenbolone side effects. That’s something very important as long as you plan to use Trenbolone. Learning about its side effects means you will be prepared if they occur. Moreover, you may learn how to deal with them.

That’s especially important to learn about Trenbolone side effects considering that this is an immensely powerful anabolic steroid. As you may know, the more powerful a compound is, the more likely it is to cause side effects. Considering that Trenbolone is immensely powerful, it’s pretty obvious that it is likely to cause side effects too, side effects that can be pretty nasty if you are not going to use this steroid properly.

Many people call Trenbolone the “king” of anabolic steroids because of how immensely powerful it is. Due to its potency, it helps you yield crazy results for bodybuilding and general body transformation effects. That’s why it gets more and more popular among those who want to transform their physique. That’s why it’s so important to learn about its side effects first.

First off, it’s important to understand that Trenbolone aka “Tren” is going to help you build immense amounts of lean muscle mass without water retention. That’s because it doesn’t aromatize. At the same time, it will greatly enhance your strength and vascularity alongside muscle hardening and drying effects. Plus to that, it helps burn fat too.

So, many people love that it makes you strong, lean, dry, vascular, jacked, and an overall better version of yourself. But that comes with a cost. Its side effects.

Explaining Trenbolone Side Effects

Tren-E-200Many people appreciate the fact that you could use Trenbolone without aromatization. Those who are sensitive to estrogenic side effects love it. They say they can use Trenbolone instead of using larger doses of Testosterone causing estrogenic side effects. So, Trenbolone is kind of a “mixed” steroid. It doesn’t produce estrogenic issues and helps avoid the side effects of high doses of trenbolone on one hand.

But on the other hand, it is so strong that it comes with its own long list of side effects, many of which are even worse than testosterone itself. That’s because while Tren doesn’t aromatize, it is five times the anabolic and androgenic activity of testosterone. Needless to mention that it is therefore five times more likely to cause androgenic side effects.


Moreover, Trenbolone is a 19-nor type of steroid. This means that it is likely to increase prolactin levels. Exactly as too high estrogen levels are likely to cause high estrogen symptoms, too high prolactin levels will also cause negative symptoms. And as you need anti-estrogens to lower estrogen levels and deal with estrogenic issues, you need cabergoline to lower prolactin levels and deal with high prolactin issues.

Other than that, many Trenbolone side effects are the same or similar as with most other anabolic steroids, but the difference is that they are much more likely to occur and are more severe with Trenbolone than with other steroids because it is more powerful than other steroids.

Other side effects, however, are more unique. Let’s get going and describe some of the most common and popular Trenbolone side effects below.

Testosterone Suppression and Decrease in Testicle Size

Exactly like every other steroid out there, Trenbolone is going to reduce natural testosterone levels. It’s important to understand that this is unavoidable. This is going to occur with any anabolic steroid. That’s a side effect of all steroids and it is something you can’t reduce, modify or change whatsoever. What you can do, however, is to prepare a good Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan after the cycle which will boost natural testosterone production. And you can also add exogenous testosterone during the cycle of any anabolic steroid in order to keep testosterone levels high.

If you hear of someone using anabolic steroids without reducing their natural testosterone levels they are either lying, don’t know their actual testosterone levels, or are using fake steroids (bunk compounds).

In order to understand why natural testosterone levels always drop regardless of what steroids you use, you have to understand how testosterone is produced in the body. Also, you need to understand how steroids work in the body. That’s a pretty complex multistep process with lots of (for someone boring) biological information. So I’m not going to share it here.

What you must know is that the stronger a steroid is, the bigger the suppression is going to be. Moreover, the higher the dosage and the longer the cycle length – the bigger the suppression is going to be too.

Now, I’ve already mentioned that Trenbolone is an extremely powerful steroid. Therefore, while all steroids will somewhat suppress natural testosterone levels, Trenbolone would do that even more than other steroids. In fact, even the lowest dosages are likely to completely shut down the production of testosterone.

A decrease in natural testosterone production can decrease testicles size too. Using PCT and HCG can help reverse these issues.



Bodybuilders who are using anabolic steroids know that there’s a chance to develop gynecomastia – perhaps the worst looking (aesthetical) side effect of anabolic steroids. Usually, gyno appears as a result of excessively high estrogen levels. High estrogen occurs as a result of the aromatization of hormones into estrogen. Lots of steroids aromatize into estrogen in the body, such as testosterone, nandrolone, methandienone, and others. Nevertheless, Trenbolone is immune to aromatization. It will not convert into estrogen and therefore will not increase estrogen levels.

As a result, chances of experiencing gyno from the use of Trenbolone greatly drop. Nevertheless, some people still experience breast growth while on Trenbolone. That could be due to two reasons.

First, while Trenbolone doesn’t increase estrogen, it can actually increase progesterone. This is another hormone that is likely to cause breast growth (both in men and women).

Second, Tren is a 19-nor steroid (a derivative of Nandrolone). That’s why it is also likely to increase prolactin levels. High prolactin comes with its own negative issues such as gynecomastia, low sex drive and erectile dysfunction, and others.

For this reason, a man using Trenbolone still has some chance to develop gyno (although chances are much lower than with aromatizable steroids). You have to check your hormone levels. If it turns out you have high prolactin which could be the reason for gynecomastia – traditional anti-estrogens will be ineffective. Cabergoline is the compound that is lowering prolactin levels. If high prolactin causes gyno, Cabergoline can lower these hormone levels thus controlling gyno.

Acne, Hair Loss, and Other Androgenic Issues

It is important to understand that the way all anabolic steroids are capable of suppressing natural testosterone levels, all of them have some androgenic activity. This means that all anabolic and androgenic steroids are likely to enhance the androgenic side effects.

Nevertheless, androgenic side effects greatly depend on each individual. For example, some people are genetically prone to develop acne and/or have male pattern baldness running through their family. All steroids can enhance the probability of these issues reappearing or making them worse. Of course, cycle length and dosage of steroids will play a role too. Nonetheless, there are some steroids that are worse than others in terms of androgenic side effects.

Now, Trenbolone is five times more androgenic than testosterone. As you can guess, it is five times “worse” than testosterone in terms of androgenic side effects. Oily skin, acne, hair loss (male pattern baldness), and an increase in aggression are just some examples of androgenic issues. And if you are genetically prone to them, Trenbolone is among the worst steroids for making them worse.

Oily skin occurs because the androgenic activity increases sebum production (increases oil production in the skin). This can lead to acne. Hair loss occurs because of an increase in DHT levels. DHT is the worst steroid for your hair follicles on the head.

In short, if you are afraid of androgenic issues, Tren is among the worst steroids out there because it is highly androgenic. There are few other anabolic steroids that can compete in the androgenic activity as much as Tren can.


Liver and Kidney Issues

Some suggest that among Trenbolone side effects, liver and kidney strain is something you should be aware of. While some liver and kidney strain could occur with the use of Trenbolone, exactly as with any other steroid, the amount of stress is way less than with oral steroids. And it is no worse than the amount of stress on your kidneys and the liver than the majority of other injectable anabolic steroids.

You should be aware that while all injectable anabolic steroids are capable of causing some liver and kidney stress, the amount of strain is minimal. Most often so little that it is not even worth noting. Trenbolone is not a C17 AA steroid. Therefore, the liver strain is the same as any other injectable steroid that is not possessing the C17 AA part.

The truly toxic steroids for your kidneys and liver are the oral steroids that are usually C17AA steroids. This is the part that allows them to remain highly bioactive when used by mouth as pills without getting destroyed by the liver. But this places a lot of stress on your organs.

The Myth…

The rumor that Trenbolone is causing even more damage to your kidneys and liver is because using Trenbolone is making your urine much darker and a stronger rusty orange color than other injectable steroids. Some mistakenly think that it is damaging kidneys as they think of it as “blood in urine”.

The real reason why urine changes in color while using Trenbolone is because Tren oxides into a darker rust type of color even if you refrigerate it. Trenbolone was used in human clinical trials and the tests indicate that no subjects administering Trenbolone had liver or kidney issues. There is also long term use in cattle (for the purpose of enhancing fat free mass) indicating that there are no renal toxicity issues. While it does have some small amounts of liver hepatotoxicity because of the Trenbolone chemical structure, it is far not as bad as with oral steroids that are C17AA.

Cardiovascular and Cholesterol Issues

All steroids are going to negatively impact your cholesterol values (increase HDL “good” cholesterol and decrease LDL “bad” cholesterol) simply because of greater amounts of hormones. Oral steroids are even worse for your cholesterol values because they have a worse effect on the liver. That organ is extremely important for maintaining proper cholesterol values. Trenbolone has only slight liver toxicity, but it is a powerful steroid in itself. This is the reason why it can negatively impact your cholesterol. However, it is no worse than oral steroids.

Negative shifts in cholesterol values can negatively impact your overall cardiovascular health. It can increase blood pressure, cause vasoconstriction and lead to various heart issues. People with hypertension, heart issues, or cholesterol issues shouldn’t use steroids at all. If they do, better be extra careful.

Moreover, I strongly recommend a cholesterol friendly diet and regular cardio exercises during the use of any anabolic steroids to avoid getting cholesterol out of range and too much cardiovascular strain. Trenbolone is no worse than oral steroids, but it is among the worst injectable steroids for cholesterol and cardiovascular strain because of its immense potency.

Mental Side Effects

Everyone knows that Trenbolone is highly androgenic and high androgenic activity is likely to cause an increase in aggression. Moreover, Trenbolone is working as a stimulant. These two factors combined make Tren one of the worst steroids when it comes to psychological side effects. More than other steroids. In fact, because of its negative mental effects, Tren is also sometimes called “the relationship breaker”.

Due to the way it works, Tren exhibits increased feelings of irritability and aggression in lots of users. While a naturally calm person may not experience anything too bad, a person that has a short temper and anger control issues prior to starting Trenbolone use would likely find that Trenbolone makes it all even worse.

Except for the fact that Tren can make you more aggressive (which could be a good thing in the gym, but it could be greatly detrimental to work and personal relationships), many people also report they feel more paranoid on this steroid, an increase in anxiety and sometimes even depression. It all could be due to the stimulative effects of Trenbolone.

In short, a person suffering from anxiety, depression, and/or a short temper may want to avoid the use of this steroid. And whoever uses it, should “listen” to people around who may tell you that your behavior has changed.

Tren Cough

This is the nickname of the very commonly experienced side effect of Trenbolone. It got a nickname because of how it commonly occurs. Bodybuilders suggest that it could occur at about every fifth injection of Trenbolone. That’s a condition where the individual is experiencing coughing spells (ranging from mild to intense) immediately after performing an injection.

It is important to mention that in fact, all injectable oil-based anabolic steroids can cause this side effect. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, it is much more popular and much more frequently occurring with Trenbolone, specifically.

While it’s not fully clear why it occurs mostly with Trenbolone than with other injectable steroids, it’s important to understand that the coughing is not life-threatening. It can become, however, pretty frightening. Especially for those users who are experiencing this for the first time and especially if they were not expecting this to occur and why it occurs in the first place. Yet, there’s nothing to be worried about.

While the intensity can range from something mild (just a tickle in the throat), it could reach a full-blown hard and intense coughing spell. Nevertheless, it’s worth mentioning that it usually lasts only a few seconds, up to a maximum of a minute or two.


Other Trenbolone Side Effects

The side effects that I’ve mentioned here, of course, do not cover all the possible Trenbolone side effects. Pretty much as with any other steroids and drugs, some people may find out they are allergic to this compound and experiencing common allergic reactions. Since it’s an injectable steroid, you could experience the “injectable” side effects such as redness, swellness, pains, and other symptoms at the injection site.

Nonetheless, the list of specifically Trenbolone side effects is longer too. Some other that I should mention include:

  • Excessive sweating, especially night sweats.
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decrease in resistance to cardio exercises
  • Increase in prostate size
  • Including many others

Avoid Trenbolone Side Effects

The main things you can to do make sure you avoid the side effects of Trenbolone are:

  • Make sure you buy quality Trenbolone.

Low-quality Trenbolone isn’t only going to be less effective, but bunk products can cause more side effects too. Use as your trustworthy source of anabolic steroids to get Trenbolone for sale of the best quality.

  • Maintain a proper lifestyle.

Maintaining a proper lifestyle is greatly going to help you avoid Tren side effects. People who do not drink or smoke (generally stay away from bad habits), drink lots of water, regularly exercise, and have a healthy diet are way less likely to experience Trenbolone side effects.

  • Ensure you’re healthy enough and have enough knowledge.

People that are having pre-existing health issues might find Trenbolone (and numerous other steroids) making their health conditions even worse. Additionally, people who inform themselves about Trenbolone are more likely to know how to deal with its side effects. Also, I strongly recommend having previous experience with other milder steroids first before jumping on the Trenbolone bandwagon. Tren is powerful and attractive in terms of benefits. But many of its side effects are similar to other steroids. You stand a much better chance to deal with them and know what to expect if you first go for milder steroids that are still going to be highly effective for your needs.

  • Make sure you use it correctly.

At we can help you learn the best way to use Trenbolone specifically for you and your goals by fulfilling the cycle advice form. But if it’s your first Trenbolone cycle then keep it simple. 8-10 weeks cycle stacked only with Testosterone and Trenbolone Acetate dosage of 25-50 mg every other day.


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