Proviron Benefits

Proviron brand name is most popular for the steroid Mesterolone which offers a lot of “hidden” benefits. The problem is – far not all anabolic steroid users know where to look to find those awesome Proviron benefits.

This is a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) derivative anabolic and androgenic steroid coming in the form of oral pills. Proviron (Mesterolone) is the purest DHT steroid on the market. This comes with specific advantages and disadvantages. DHT is a sex hormone (about 5% of testosterone is converting into DHT through 5 alpha reductase enzymes) that is very important for a male. It responds to male genitals growth and is the main androgen in prostate and hair follicles.



Disadvantages of Proviron

Many people mistakenly think that Proviron (Mesterolone) is useless or simply not worth it. Especially because it’s generally a pretty pricey product. This is generally a higher pricey steroid in comparison with other steroids, yet much lower anabolic activity (ability to grow muscles) makes Proviron have much lower popularity than other steroids.

Moreover, you can’t use Proviron alone. Well, you can, obviously. But, you shouldn’t.

That’s because it won’t really help you achieve your bodybuilding goals on its own.
It’s also a compound that is not going to dry you out as other anabolic steroids would.
Moreover, Mesterolone won’t be great at maintaining lean muscle tissues during low calorie diets.

With all of this said, some may think, why would anyone use this compound then? Well, if you got through the “negative” parts of Proviron and you’re still reading this – you won’t regret it. Proviron is actually having a lot of different benefits that you can take advantage of when you know how to use it. But most importantly, when you know why to use Proviron in the first place.

How To Take Out Maximum Proviron Benefits?

Before I’m going to share some examples of Proviron benefits – I would share a few main “rules” you need to follow to make Proviron really “shine” when it comes to displaying benefits.

  • Never use Proviron alone – always stack at least with testosterone (can stack with whatever other too).
  • Don’t expect to gain muscles or strength from it – expected leaner muscles and better results from other steroids you stack it with.
  • Have a good diet and workout plan – just like you would with any other steroid cycle. But remember it whenever you use it.
  • “Understand” Mesterolone and what it does. We’ll talk about it below.
  • Buy quality and pure Proviron. Unfortunately, due to its price and mildness, there are companies selling low quality Mesterolone. Or claiming to offer it but offering other substances instead (cheaper of course). At you can buy maximum quality Proviron! Proviron-Benefits-muscles

Proviron Benefits in Medical Settings

There are studies on Proviron proving it is effective for depression and anxiety. But both studies and anecdotal reports from people who already used Proviron (including myself) indicate that this steroid is highly effective to boost lack of sex drive.

As a result, people who suffer from bipolar disorder, unipolar, and dysthymia can find this product helpful. Doctors mostly prescribe Mesterolone to men suffering from low libido. Moreover, it’s also a precursor to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) too.

Proviron Benefits in Bodybuilding

So, let’s get to talk about the long waiting benefits of Proviron specifically for bodybuilders and steroid users. Why do people use Proviron considering all those disadvantages?

This is actually a very effective and beneficial steroid with lots of advantages. Thinking of it as a worthless and useless compound would be a big mistake. After all, there are good reasons why so many people still use it with high success in their cycles.

  • In the past, bodybuilders used Proviron as an anti-estrogenic product (see below) and for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT).

I do not recommend using Mesterolone during PCT, however. That’s because although mild, it remains a steroid. It’s still suppressing HPTA and Luteinizing Hormone (LH). That’s why it won’t allow your pituitary gland and HPTA fully recover properly after a steroid cycle.

Using it for PCT would be a mistake as long as you’re trying to remain fully natural. You can, however, use it during TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) and the cruise period. That’s because long term use of Proviron with fairly high doses does not cause serious suppression. According to people who do use it during their cruising periods and according to some studies too!


Anti-Estrogenic Properties

Proviron (Mesterolone) got popular some years ago as a product for anti-estrogen. Yeah, that’s right. This is a steroid but it has powerful anti estrogen properties because it firmly binds to the aromatase enzyme. While it may not do the same job as an actual Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) in terms of reducing estrogen levels, it can still serve as an alternative to Aromatase Inhibitors in specific cases.

So, Proviron can be a great replacement for Aromasin, Arimidex, or Femara during the cycle for protecting you against estrogen related issues. Then again, some people still use it during PCT (or as a bridge between cycle and PCT) and still report success.

Favorable Side Effects Profile

Proviron – Mesterolone is a product that is very mild. A LOT milder in comparison with most other steroids. It’s even milder than Masteron (Drostanolone). This is an oral steroid that is not C17AA, this means that you can use it for 16 straight weeks without sky high liver enzymes. Doing so with your Dianabol would make your liver fail.

Because of this, some people use it year round. Many stack it with cycles. Or they could stack both during cycle and TRT/cruising. Such as using lower doses during cruise/TRT and higher during cycles.

Mesterolone is overall much safer, but please do not assume it’s completely safe. Some side effects are still possible to occur, especially if you are prone to some specific side effects and/or you abuse this compound. Mostly, it triggers androgenic side effects. Such as acne and hair loss. That’s fairly obvious considering that Proviron is a DHT derivative. But even high doses and long periods of administering Proviron are unlikely to cause too nasty side effects.

So, overall, you’re very unlikely to experience some nasty side effects. You’re unlikely to experience any – but if you do, they are likely to be mild.

Nonetheless, even if Proviron is a mild compound and even if you can use it as an alternative to Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) that still doesn’t explain why it’s such a popular product? Especially when you can use actual AI instead of it?

SHBG Binding Affinity


Proviron is binding very well to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). In fact, its binding is extremely strong to this protein type – stronger than other steroids. Hence offering better results. This is a type of protein that binds to sex hormones and is reducing free testosterone that’s circulating in your body. That’s the specific type of testosterone that makes you grow muscles, become stronger, etc.

  • The more SHBG you have in your body – the less free testosterone you have circulating in your body and the less effective other steroids are. So, when you stack Proviron with other steroids – you’ll enhance the overall efficacy of the cycle. That’s why Mesterolone really shines when you stack it with other anabolic steroids.

Without increasing the number of steroids and/or their dosages, you increase the cycle efficacy. Therefore, you make the cycle more effective but you don’t increase the risks of side effects (as earlier mentioned).

If you think of other steroids such as Stanozolol that also increases cycle effectiveness as it binds to SHBG – yes, that’s true. But Stanozolol (Winstrol) would greatly enhance side effects too. Not to mention the liver toxicity!

Libido and Mood Enhancer

A lot of people who use anabolic steroids experience lower libido. They may also feel strange/weird. I personally never had the “weird” feeling on steroid cycles and my libido wasn’t really completely crashed.

Nonetheless, whenever I add Proviron (even low dosage) I can feel a great improvement in sex drive and I’m feeling overall much better. For whatever the reason, Proviron makes you feel great and confident. It “removes” the strange feeling if you experience it. Such as anxiety or paranoia on Trenbolone.

On Trenbolone (and Nandrolone – Deca Durabolin) it’s also common to experience libido issues too. Proviron is going to be perfect for your needs. Yes, you can use actual male enhancement pills for sex drive. But they don’t always work when there’s something wrong on a hormonal level (while Mesterolone helps). Plus, they won’t help with the weird feeling on steroids, especially with those frightening thoughts most of us experience on Trenbolone! Again, Proviron can help with them.

Hardens Muscles

Proviron is a steroid that is promoting lipolysis. It’s also a DHT derivative. Therefore, it’s going to be beneficial for considerable muscle hardening effects. It’s also a combination with the fact that it has estrogen decreasing properties. Overall – you can get a drier look.


Nonetheless, do not expect the same look comparable to Winstrol or Trenbolone. Not the extreme dry look. It’s mostly an aesthetic type of dry look. Those looks that models are often searching for.

But you can use Masteron for that, you may think. Well, you can’t. At least, not in all cases. Masteron (Drostanolone) is effective for those who use it in cutting cycles only. And only if you’re having a low body fat percentage of about 12% (but preferably under 10%).

Proviron, however, is effective both cutting and in bulking cycles and you don’t have to be lower than 13%. You can stack Proviron in a bulking cycle with aromatizing steroids such as Testosterone, Methandienone, and Boldenone (and as I earlier said – Nandrolone). With Proviron in there, you’ll get a harder appearance, more vascularity, and overall a less puffy muscle look (less subcutaneous water retention).

In Conclusion

So, you can use Proviron with a high success rate, as you can see, when you know how to use it.

BUY PROVIRON FOR SALE HERECreto-Provirion-proviron-Beligas

  • Yes, you can use Aromatase Inhibitors instead of Proviron. But you won’t get the same benefits you would get with it except for anti-estrogenic ones.
  • Yes, you can use Masteron or Winstrol instead of Proviron. But you don’t need to have a very low body fat percentage to make it effective and you won’t experience side effects as you would on them.
  • In the end, Proviron is an awesome cycle enhancer, while protecting you from estrogenic issues, libido issues, and specific mental issues. It hardens you up with numerous other benefits without enhancing the cycle’s side effects profile.

I personally never used more than 50 mg/day, but I know of people using as much as 150 mg/day. I would recommend starting with 25 mg or a maximum of 50 mg/day and don’t exceed more than 100 mg/day. Never use it alone – always stack. I also don’t recommend Proviron to females because it’s a pure DHT steroid. It won’t be highly effective while side effects (virilization) are very likely.

Buy Proviron from including all other steroids you may need to stack it with.

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