Oxymetholone Side Effects

The Oxymetholone side effects are popular in bodybuilding as some of the harshest side effects out of all other anabolic steroids.

Oxymetholone is the active ingredient in the popular steroid that you may know by the brand Anadrol (among others). This steroid is immensely powerful. This means that its effects on the body are very intense. Generally, the more powerful a steroid is, the more intense effects it has. That’s true both for its benefits and side effects.

  • Therefore, since Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is very powerful and effective, you are likely to experience a lot of benefits and it’s very likely to be helpful. But you should beware of its side effects too.

Oxy-50mgWhen talking about Oxymetholone side effects, the “harsh” part is especially true in regard to hepatotoxicity. Because Anadrol is so liver toxic, it means that the Anadrol cycle should not be long. That’s why the length of time that you could use Anadrol is no longer than 4 – 6 weeks at a time. Also, long enough breaks in between cycles.

But hepatotoxicity is definitely not the only side effect you should be cautious about. Oxymetholone side effects can be pretty harsh in other aspects. Such as estrogenic activity. That’s despite the fact that Oxymetholone (Anadrol) is a DHT derivative that is unable to convert into estrogen. DHT derivatives do not convert into estrogen via aromatization. This means that it will not increase estrogen levels. Despite that, estrogenic side effects are very possible to occur because it binds directly to estrogen receptors. And the bad news is that Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) are not effective in dealing with them. Because AIs decrease estrogen levels. But as said, Anadrol doesn’t increase them.


More In Regards to Oxymetholone Side Effects

Oxymetholone side effects also include androgenic side effects.

According to studies, its androgenic rating is 45 (that’s less than half of testosterone’s rating of 100) and yet, some individuals still experience strong androgenic side effects. Androgenic issues are largely depending on the genetic makeup of each individual, as with any other steroid. But they still seem to be pretty strong with Anadrol despite the low-moderate androgenic activity. Seemingly, it’s because it is a DHT derivative.

Additionally, as with any other steroid, it will suppress natural testosterone production and will pose some negative effects on your cholesterol health and overall cardiovascular system. 

It’s important to understand that the intensity of side effects is in close connection with your genetic makeup, environment, and pre-existing health conditions.

That’s why, to keep Oxymetholone side effects at bay, you should ensure that you follow a healthy lifestyle and you’re healthy enough to start a cycle in the first place. Needless to mention that the dosage and cycle length will have a strong effect on side effects intensity and frequency. So you should pay very close attention to the Anadrol dosage and cycle length you run.

Lastly, considering that Anadrol is such a powerful steroid, I do not recommend it to beginners. There are milder compounds with less risk of harsh side effects that are very likely to help beginners. Due to all these factors, Anadrol is not a suitable anabolic steroid for those who never used steroids before. It’s a much better choice for people with at least intermediate experience but it’s best for advanced anabolic steroid users.


Estrogenic Side Effects

As said, Anadrol is very likely to cause estrogenic side effects. That’s despite the fact that it does not aromatize and will not increase estrogen levels in the body. Therefore, its estrogenic side effects do not come from the conversion into estrogen (it’s immune to aromatase enzyme) but rather from binding to estrogen receptors in the body. This means that Oxymetholone acts as estrogen itself when binding to the estrogen receptors.

The estrogenic Oxymetholone side effects are including similar estrogenic issues as with any other anabolic steroids and they go as water retention (bloating), possible fat gain, erectile dysfunction, and development of gynecomastia (gyno) including others.

Considering that Anadrol does not aromatize into estrogen and does not increase estrogen levels, aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are completely useless when it comes to fighting off Anadrol related estrogenic side effects. Taking that into consideration, there’s actually no defense against the excess water retention and bloating issues associated with the use of Anadrol. The only thing you could do is adjust your diet. The problem is that even dietary adjustments are pretty limited in results. But it’s still important to have a proper diet. For example, reducing sodium intake could be helpful in at least somewhat reduction in water retention.

Dealing With These Issues…

The only estrogenic side effect from Oxymetholone that you could deal with is gynecomastia (gyno). You could effectively prevent, block or treat it with the help of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen). That’s because Nolvadex is a SERM, meaning that it will not lower estrogen levels in the body, it will bind to estrogen receptors in breast tissue (stronger than Oxymetholone binds) blocking the estrogen receptors.

That’s how you could deal with Anadrol-induced gynecomastia, but SERMs like Nolvadex are not effective at solving water retention and bloating issues. As said, nothing is, except for a proper diet.

Androgenic Side Effects

As said, Anadrol is having a lower androgenic activity rating than Testosterone, more than half of testosterone. While the Testosterone androgenic rating is 100, Anadrol androgenic rating is only 45. Despite that, Oxymetholone side effects include androgenic issues. In fact, there are no anabolic and androgenic steroids that do not have the risk of androgenic issues.

It’s important to understand that Anadrol (Oxymetholone) does not convert into DHT through the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. It doesn’t interact with this enzyme. Studies suggest that its androgenic activity may come from the fact that when Oxymetholone is in the body, it reduces into dihydrotestosterone (AKA Mestanolone) which has a powerful androgenic rating.


With Anadrol, these issues are very different from one individual to another. On one hand, it is moderately androgenic, on another it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – a powerful androgen. That’s why there are a number of people who report androgenic side effects they experience that are harsher than its rating suggests. Yet, there are still those who report no androgenic issues.

As said, the genetic makeup of each individual has a lot to do with the risk of androgenic issues. Some people who are prone to male pattern baldness may notice an increase in hair loss. But those who are not prone to such issues may use it for a long time while maintaining thick, dense, and healthy hair.

So, someone may experience exaggerated androgenic Anadrol side effects while others may not experience harsher issues than with any other anabolic steroid. The androgenic side effects usually include increased sebum secretion (oily skin) which could lead to acne breakout. Especially in those who are prone to acne. Also, could lead to bodily and facial hair growth, triggering Male Pattern Baldness, again, especially in those individuals that are possessing this genetic trait. As well as aggression, again, especially in those individuals that naturally have a short temper.


HPTA and Natural Testosterone Production Suppression

There are no anabolic and androgenic steroids that wouldn’t cause suppression of natural testosterone production. Generally, the suppression is worse in cases you use higher doses, longer cycles, and stronger steroids. But one thing is for sure – there’s no way to avoid endogenous natural testosterone suppression and/or shutdown when you use steroids. And when talking about Oxymetholone side effects – you should be aware of this suppression.

Considering that Anadrol is so powerful, the HPTA crash is very bad. There’s a very high chance of complete shutdown after a single Anadrol cycle. That’s usually not a problem because most people stack Anadrol with testosterone. They use it at the beginning of the injectable steroid cycle as a “kickstarter”. This means that you start using both Anadrol with testosterone and possibly other injectable steroids. Then you stop Anadrol and continue with other steroids.

Regardless of how you use Anadrol, it’s extremely important to implement Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after each cycle. In fact, it’s extremely important to have a proper PCT plan after each cycle of anabolic steroids. Unless you’re in TRT. This way, you restore endogenous testosterone production. But that’s especially if you have a cycle with powerful compounds like Anadrol.

Hepatotoxic Side Effects

Oxymetholone side effects are notorious for being harsh, but hepatotoxicity is among the most popular issues when talking about this anabolic steroid. It’s very likely to cause harsh hepatotoxic issues. So, I strongly recommend keeping cycles short and dosages low.

Anadrol is a C17 AA steroid, which makes it highly bioactive when you use it orally by pills. But it’s the reason why it has such strong liver toxic effects. Both studies and anecdotal reports from people who use Anadrol (those who have bloodwork before and after the Anadrol cycle, checking for liver enzymes) indicate that this steroid has a considerable hepatotoxic effect on the body.

Studies indicated that using 50-100 mg/day of Anadrol for a period of 12 weeks you’re very likely to experience life threatening liver issues because of the dangerous liver enzymes spike.

I strongly recommend using Anadrol for no longer than 4-6 weeks with an adequate break in between cycles. I also strongly recommend avoiding anything else that is likely to make your liver work even more such as alcohol, some medications, or other oral steroids. Whenever you use oral anabolic steroids, it’s also a great idea to supplement with helpful liver support that could help your organ. Some examples include TUDCA, NAC, LIV 52, Milk Thistle, and others.

Cardiovascular Side Effects

Oxymetholone-side-effects  The cardiovascular strain is by far one of the most pronounced and serious Oxymetholone side effects. That’s because of multiple factors combined. For example, all steroids cause some cardiovascular strain and negative cholesterol changes. That’s especially true for oral steroids. Now imagine the problem with Anadrol’s side effects considering that this is such a powerful steroid.

Among the issues we can mention are the reduction of HDL (the good cholesterol) and the increase in LDL (the bad cholesterol). This increases the risk of arteriosclerosis and other cardiovascular issues. It’s pretty obvious that factors influencing cholesterol changes are the duration of use, dosage, and other factors.

Oral steroids like Anadrol are popular for being among the worst steroids when it comes to negative impacts on cholesterol because of their liver effects. Considering that the liver is the “cholesterol processing center” of the human body, with increased hepatotoxicity, the negative cholesterol effects are even worse.

Anadrol in particular is extremely notorious for causing such issues. That’s because of its very intense effects on the body and very hepatotoxic nature. It is capable of increasing LDL and reducing HDL on its own, but coupled with hepatotoxic issues, it makes it even worse.

This alone makes it a pretty harsh steroid for the cardiovascular system. But as said, Anadrol is causing water retention (that you can barely control). As we know – the higher the water retention, the thicker the blood is increasing blood pressure.

All of these factors combined make cardiovascular strain one of the most dangerous and serious Anadrol side effects. You should pay very close attention to it. Make sure you keep a cholesterol friendly diet, have enough cardiovascular exercises, and keep water retention under control. Do not allow blood pressure to spike to dangerous levels.


In the end, it’s extremely important to understand that regardless of the anabolic steroids you use (oral or injectable, mild or powerful) – you need to take all the appropriate precautions to avoid the side effects. It generally includes adjustments in the diet to avoid high cholesterol and hypertension among others. Make sure you train hard enough, avoid bad habits such as drinking and smoking and add supplements that could help with your cardiovascular and liver health.

Needless to mention the importance of learning how to correctly use Anadrol. It’s the only way to yield the best results and keep Oxymetholone side effects at bay.

One last thing – the importance of pure and quality Oxymetholone. Low quality products can cause more side effects and fewer benefits. At HGH.to you can buy Anadrol for sale and we guarantee that the steroids you buy are always of the best possible quality.



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