You might already know that Testosterone Cypionate is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid that should be administered intramuscularly, pretty much as any other esterified version of testosterone.
There are other administration forms than injection (it comes as an oil solution) such as orals, creams and topicals, nonetheless, none of them is considered to be as effective as injectable testosterone version is. That’s why most people go for esterified testosterones as injection and testosterone cypionate injection is by far one of the most popular and widely used version.
Testosterone Cypionate injection is having a half life of approximately 12-14 days, that’s why is considered a long based compound that doesn’t need to be administered too often. That’s because of Cypionate attached ester – one of the longest esters.
The attached ester to main hormone does nothing else than just increasing the half life of the compound after it was administered. The main hormone – in our case, testosterone, is working the exact same way, regardless of the attached ester.
Testosterone Cypionate injection is used for the purposes of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) treatment in most cases and injections are usually given once every 10-14 days to such patients.
Buy Testosterone Cypionate Here
Nonetheless, testosterone cypionate is very popular among bodybuilders and many other athletes in many sport fields, that’s because is very efficient at boosting testosterone and that’s leading to numerous benefits.
Nonetheless, to make sure you have maximum stable blood levels, injections of Test Cyp are administered once per week or even twice per week (no need to use it more frequently) for achieving maximum results when talking about physique and performance enhancement purposes.
Testosterone Cypionate Injection Benefits
If you’re wondering what are the benefits of testosterone cypionate and you’re not sure why you should inject it in the first place, then you simply should check the benefits of testosterone. There are a lot of them. That’s exactly what Testosterone Cypionate does.
Those who buy Test Cyp are going to receive the positive results of increased testosterone and it goes as:
- Increases in lean muscle mass, muscle tissues and fibres grow faster and efficiently
- Helps to burn body fat through various different processes
- Promotes much faster recovery time from the extensive workouts allowing you to exercise often
- Greatly boosts your performance and endurance, making your muscles get worn out not as fast
- Increases your metabolic rate which boosts many other processes
- Improved immune system making you less likely to get ill or sick
- Boosts your energy levels as well as stamina making you able to do more
- Is enhancing as well as strengthening your sex drive, libido and sexual performance
- Does an amazing job in improving focus and mental clarity, all along with motivation
- Testosterone would offer many other psychological benefits too such as decreased depression
- Is going to help you retain lean muscle mass during the cutting cycles (low calorie diets)
- Helps to promote an overall better sleeping pattern
- Spikes your protein synthesis, nitrogen retention and anabolic environment in the body
- Is reducing the anxiety and is inducing a sense of well being
Testosterone Cypionate 250 is being used both in bulking and cutting cycles and can be used alongside with any given steroid of your choice.
That’s because it can be used as a base compound which would offer a lot of benefits in terms of better physical condition and body transformation, but is also often used as a supportive compound among bodybuilders who are using more powerful steroids that are suppressing testosterone production.
The addition of Testosterone Cypionate Injection to that steroid cycle is going to make sure your testosterone levels remain high. This is the reason why testosterone is given in almost any given anabolic steroid for any needs. But specifically Testosterone Cypionate injection is used by most people because is a long based one, with once per week or maximum twice per week administration you will maintain stable blood levels.
Testosterone Cypionate cycle is usually 12 weeks, but it can be as long as 16 weeks. Testosterone Cypioante dosage is anywhere between 250 mg and 1000 mg. Beginners and those searching for TRT use 250 mg, advanced users go to 500-750 mg per week and professionals use 1000 mg weekly.
Buy Testosterone Cypionate injection for sale directly from this website and you’ll make sure to get the best quality and purity Test Cyp for the lowest price on the market. Save money whilst receiving a really good compound that would greatly help your bodybuilding needs.
Buy Testosterone Cypionate Injection Here